Committee Process Policy & Procedure

Committee Process Policy & Procedure

A list of the university’s committees is maintained in the Provost’s Office and updated on an annual basis. This listing identifies permanent university-wide standing committees and task force groups created for an “as needed” basis.

University Standing Committees

A list of the standing committees is maintained and updated on an annual basis. A standing committee is a permanent group appointed for a specific function. It is the responsibility of the committee chairs to review their committees and provide updates to the Provost’s Office in the event of staffing changes. Each spring, the Provost’s Office will send the committee chair instructions to review the membership list and committee description. Terms are for three years, unless otherwise noted. Data will be collected and updated in the master University Committee List that is posted on myEMU. Any changes during the academic year can be emailed directly to the Provost’s Office.

Procedure to Request New Committees

The provost must approve the addition of any new standing committees. Faculty or staff must submit a proposal for establishing a new university standing committee by completing the New Committee Request Macform. This must be approved by the division vice president before it can go to the provost for consideration. Proposals will be reviewed and voted on by Provost’s Council. Provost’s Council will also decide if the new committee qualifies for faculty service as part of the tenure and promotion system. New committees approved by Provost’s Council will be shared with the President’s Cabinet for informational purposes. 

Task Force Groups

Task force groups are formed to accomplish a specific task or goal. They are created on an “as needed” basis. Task force groups do not need to be approved by the provost, but do need the approval from the appropriate division vice president, before going to Provost’s Council. A proposal for establishing a new task force must be submitted on the New Committee Request Macform. These will be added to the master University Committee List in the appropriate category and should be reviewed carefully annually. Temporary ad hoc groups do not need to complete this form.

Procedure to Request Committee Removal

As part of the annual review process, committee chairs are responsible to notify the Provost’s Office when a standing committee, ad hoc committee, or task force group is no longer meeting or would like to disband. A standing committee removal from the list is at the discretion of the provost.

Committee Minutes

All standing committees and task force groups are requested to record minutes according to a consistent format for the university. The Sample Committee Minutes form is suggested to use as a guide for formatting and distribution.

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