Vehicle Fleet Use and Policy Guide

Vehicle Fleet Use and Policy Guide

Vehicle Rental Request

The Facilities Management Office is responsible for all EMU fleet vehicles. Fleet vehicles are available for university business and approved university-related activities.

To become an eligible driver, complete these forms:

Authorization to Obtain Motor Vehicle Record Form
Driver Qualification Form

Submit the forms along with a copy of a current driver’s license to the Facilities Management Office between the hours of 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. and 1- 4 p.m., Monday-Friday.

Requirements to Drive:

Drivers of cars and mini-vans must hold a valid U.S. driver’s license, be at least 19 years old and have two years (regular daily) driving experience.

Drivers for 12-passenger vans must hold a valid U.S. driver’s license, be at least 25 years old and have five years (almost daily) driving experience (or have a CDL) and must complete van driving training by Facilities Management’s Fleet and Equipment Coordinator.

The university and/or its insurance carrier will determine who is approved to drive university vehicles.

Reservations and Use of Fleet Vehicles

To reserve a vehicle, fill out this Vehicle Rental Request form:

Reservations for vehicle-use should be made well in advance to ensure efficient scheduling. The following information is requested for reservations:

  • Name of driver
  • Authorizing department
  • Account number
  • Departure and return times and dates
  • Destination
  • Size of vehicle desired
  • Number of vehicles desired

Fleet Vehicle User Responsibilities:

  • Pick up and return vehicles at reservation times
  • Report any problems with the vehicle to the Facilities Management Office as soon as possible
  • Report all accidents immediately
  • Return vehicle with interior in clean condition
  • If office is closed, return keys in key drop box in the door of the Facilities Management Office
  • Return vehicle with a full tank of gas to the Facilities Management lot
  • Departments are responsible for paying for the gas

Driver Responsibilities

  1. Drive Alert!

It is important that all university drivers have knowledge of safe practices and are alert at all times behind the wheel:

  • Do not attempt to drive if you need to sleep
  • Do not drive when taking medications or any substance that may impair driving ability
  • Do not attempt to consume a meal while operating the vehicle (small snacks and beverages are permissible)
  • Constantly monitor changing conditions in the highway, traffic, and weather
  • Standards for Operation of EMU Vehicles prohibit use of electronic devices (including cellular phones) while operating an EMU-owned vehicle
  1. Drive Defensively!

There are three basic techniques that are vital for the defensive driver:

  • Recognition of the hazard- A hazard may be caused by another vehicle, may be mechanical in nature, or caused by existing road conditions
  • Understanding the defense- The most basic driving defenses are proper speed, following distance, and driver alertness
  • Acting in Time- If the hazard is recognized and the proper defensive course of action known, then steps can be taken to prevent emergency situations from arising
  1. Drive Responsibly!

The driver is the first line of defense against vehicular accidents. Drivers should:

  • Obey all traffic laws and safety rules (drivers are responsible for payment of all tolls and/or fines that result from moving or stationary traffic violations).
  • Assume a safety-conscious attitude for all occupants of the vehicle
  • Ensure that driver and all passengers use seat belts
  • Observe common courtesy toward all other drivers and pedestrians
  • Remember that the operator’s driving actions reflect on the university
  • Check to see that all personal belongings and trash are removed from the vehicle
  1. For Van Drivers:
  • Allow no roof-loading
  • Ensure that driver and all passengers use seat belts

Gas Purchases

EMU Departments will be responsible for the cost of gas purchased for their EMU-related travel.

Individuals or departments having access to an EMU PNC Visa credit card will need to purchase gas with this card, and reconcile those expenses monthly on their Concur statement. Facilities Management will have two PNC Visa restricted gas-purchase-only credit cards available for emergencies and for individuals who do not have access to an EMU PNC Visa credit card. Use of one of these cards requires that a departmental account number be provided at the time the vehicle reservation is made.

EMU fleet vehicles will be provided with a full tank of gas, and are to be returned to the Facilities Management lot with a full tank of gas.

Rates and Usage Fees

Fleet Vehicles

Departments will be charged the following rates for fleet vehicle use:

  • All cars: $20 per day + $.20 a mile
  • Mini-van (7 passenger): $.57 per mile with a minimum charge of $20.52 for 36 miles
  • Van (12-passenger): $.85 per mile with a minimum charge of $23.80 for 28 miles

Facilities Management makes every effort to meet the transportation needs of university faculty, staff, and students within the confines of available resources. This means that vehicles are sometimes reserved with minimal service/prep time between reservations.

Enterprise Rentals

Enterprise rates (plus tax) are:

  • Standard Vehicle: Daily: $34.00; Weekly: $187.00
  • Mini-Van (7-Passenger): Daily: $61.00; Weekly: $335.50
  • Van (12 and 15 Passenger): Daily: $95.00; Weekly: $522.50. For vans: First 200 miles per day are free. 1,100 free miles per week, and 2,500 free miles per month. Any additional miles will be charged at the rate of $0.20 per miles.

Timely Return and Reservation Cancellations

It is important that EMU fleet vehicle reservations are made to adequately cover the time frame needed. Failure to return a vehicle within the reservation time period will result in the department being charged an additional $25. An additional $25 departmental charge will be assessed for vehicle reservations that are not cancelled prior to the reservation start time, or that are not cancelled at all.

In Case of Emergency

Call the Facilities Management Office at (540) 432-4390. After hours, call Henry Bowser at 540-246-8441, Maintenance-on-Call at 540-476-3676 or Ed Lehman at 540-578-2363. 

Your cooperation in responsible use of EMU fleet vehicles is appreciated.

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