Vehicle Registration and Parking

Vehicle Registration and Parking

Parking Fees and Regulations Handbook

Upon registration, a parking fee of $60 per year will be issued to all faculty, staff and students who park a vehicle on the EMU campus. Registration of the vehicle must occur within one week of bringing the vehicle to campus. This also applies to individuals living in EMU-owned housing or apartments.   

For additional information see: https://emu.edu/auxiliary-services/parking/


All faculty (including adjunct professors), staff and students who park at EMU during normal business hours (Monday-Friday 8 a.m. to 11 p.m.) need to purchase a  parking permit to park in parking lots reserved for faculty, staff, commuters or residents. Faculty (including adjunct professors) and staff may request a “free” parking permit. This permit is only valid in the North University Commons Parking lot north of the green line.

Retired employees of EMU who routinely use the premises must register their vehicle at the Facilities Management Office but will not be charged a parking fee.

Campus visitors need to register their vehicles and utilize a temporary parking permit at the Facilities Management Office.

How to Register Your Vehicle


To register, log in to my.emu.edu/accounts/student vehicle registration.  A fee of $60 will be charged to your student account. 

Select permit type: 

  1. Choose Resident if you will be living in an EMU-owned space (i.e.  any dorm, intentional community, Mt. Clinton Apartments, Village Apartments). Resident students are limited to two vehicles on campus that belong to themselves or their family.
  2. Choose Commuter if you will be driving a vehicle to campus and using a parking space on the EMU campus.
  3. Choose Commuter-Eve if you will be driving a vehicle to campus for an EVENING-ONLY EMU program (i.e. LOM, MBA, etc.).

If you have changes to your registration as the year progresses, contact the Facilities Management Office at 540-432-4391 or permit@emu.edu.  Refer to emu.edu/auxiliary-services/parking/ for parking policies and parking locations.  Citations of $60 will be issued once the academic year begins to those who do not register their vehicles.

Faculty and Staff:

To register, log in to my.emu.edu/Employee Info/Faculty/Staff Vehicle Registration

Select permit type:

  1. Faculty/Staff Paid Park-MS Chg – If you register in the fall, a fee of $60 is charged for the year. A fee of $30 (for spring semester) is charged to your account if you register in the spring. You will receive a bill from the Business Office for the charge.  The fee is per-person, not per-vehicle, and gives you permission to park in all Faculty/Staff lots at EMU.
  2. Faculty/Staff Paid Park-Deduct - Faculty and staff (half time or more) may elect to have the parking fee withheld from wages on a pre-tax basis as allowed under IRS Code Section 132(f).  The fee is per-person, not per-vehicle, and gives you permission to park in all Faculty/Staff lots at EMU.
  3. Faculty/Staff Free Parking – This permit is only valid in the parking lot located north of the blue/green line in the lot north of the University Commons. 

If you have changes to your registration as the year progresses, contact the Facilities Management Office at 540-432-4391 or permit@emu.edu.  Refer to emu.edu/auxiliary-services/parking/ for parking policies and parking locations.   

It is important to register promptly; ticketing will begin seven (7) days after fall classes begin.

Temporary Handicapped Parking Permits

Temporary handicapped parking permits may be issued to students or faculty upon confirmation from the Health Center, athletic trainer or person’s physician that confirms warranted need for a handicap space. These permits are to be used only on EMU property and are not acceptable under state law to be used off campus. They are available from the Facilities Management Office during business hours.

Parking Lots and Map

Refer to the campus map to know where your parking permit allows you to park:  https://emu.edu/map/

Parking Restrictions

There shall be no parking at any time by unauthorized persons

  • In handicap parking space
  • In parking spots or parking lots reserved for individuals or departments
  • In the service areas of all buildings
  • In areas marked with “no parking” signs or equivalent pavement markings
  • Within 15 feet of a fire hydrant (could result in towing)
  • In areas blocking fire escapes (could result in towing)
  • In areas that would block driveways, alleys, sidewalks, or would impede the normal flow of traffic on campus
  • On sidewalks
  • On the grass
  • In truck unloading zones
  • Designated visitor areas
  • In fire lanes

Traffic and Parking Violations

Parking regulations apply to any person parking a motor vehicle on Eastern Mennonite University property. Violators will be subject to fines or towing as presented. Ignorance of a regulation is not grounds for cancellation of a fine.

A motor vehicle means any motor vehicle requiring state registration and licensing for operation on a public road or highway.

EMU assumes no responsibility for the safety or security of personal motor vehicles or contents while on campus, nor for the driving practices of individuals. The individual in whose name a motor vehicle is registered shall be totally responsible for that vehicle while it is on campus.

Campus Traffic Regulations

Driving on the grass, sidewalks or other areas not designated for vehicle traffic is prohibited.

Motorcycles must comply with standard muffler requirements to eliminate excessive noise. Motorcycles are not to be driven on sidewalks or on the grass. They must follow all regulations expected of car owners and are not to be parked on the sidewalks by the dormitories or in buildings for any reason. Failure to comply may result in removal by impounding the motorcycle at the owner’s expense.

Failure to Register your Vehicle

Failure to register a vehicle results in a $60 fine.  If registration happens within seven days of receiving the first violation, the fine will be refunded. However, you will be required to pay the $60 annual registration fee.

On the third offense of failing to register your vehicle, your vehicle will be towed and impounded at your expense. Call 540-434-4193 or 540-434-4448 to contact the contracted towing company. Or you may contact the police department non-emergency number at 540-434-4436.

Parking for Fuel Efficient and Low Emitting Vehicles

Parking spaces with green signs labeled “Fuel Efficient and Low Emitting” vehicles typically will mean either hybrid or all electric vehicles. These spaces provide for an LEED credit, which helped secure gold certification for buildings on campus. They are not to be used by other vehicles.

Other Fees and Violations

There is a $100 fine for parking in a handicap space, blocking/parking in a fire lane or within 15 feet of an FD connection or hydrant.  Under state statute, you also risk being towed on the first offense for these violations.

Additional fines of $50 will be assessed for wrong parking lot, parking in a loading zone, parking on grass, sidewalk or crosswalk, blocking alley or driveway, double-parking, or for parking motorcycles in buildings or out of designed spaces.

There is a $15 fine for a parking permit that is not properly displayed.

Traffic violation fines will be placed on the violator’s EMU personal account.

If you want to appeal the parking citation, submit the parking appeals form found on my.emu to the Business Office in the Campus Center within seven days of the citation. The appeals committee will make a decision within 30 days and notify you at the email address on the form.

Harrisonburg Police Department

Incidents referred to Harrisonburg Police Department for prosecution rather than to the Facilities Management Office:

  • Accidents involving a licensed vehicle
  • Vandalism or theft involving a vehicle
  • Parking in bicycle lanes on Park Road
  • Parking in a fire lane
  • Reckless driving
    • Excessive speed on campus streets
    • Driving on pedestrian walkways
    • Driving on lawns or athletic fields

There are no exemptions for tickets issued by the Harrisonburg Police Department.

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