GPP.02 Travel Reimbursement Policy

GPP.02 Travel Reimbursement Policy

Travel Reimbursement Policy

EMU Board of Trustees


To provide policy guidelines for reimbursement of out-of-pocket expenses incurred by EMU board members for travel to and from EMU board meetings.

Policy Statement

Expenses incurred for board meetings are part of the cost of doing business for educational institutions and are paid from general operating funds. Members of the EMU Board of Trustees are asked to help minimize the costs by adhering to the guidelines herein set forth.

Board members will make their own travel arrangements to and from regular board meetings and will request reimbursement of expenses by completing the Expense Form provided by the EMU Business Office. Receipts are required except for personal car mileage and for tips.

If board members wish to pay their own expenses they may contribute their reimbursement back to the university as a tax deductible contribution.

The following travel expenses will be reimbursed:

  • Airfare: economy class, non-refundable fares
  • Mileage at the approved IRS standard rate/mile
    • Round trip home to campus: if airfare would be less EMU will pay the amount of the equivalent air travel cost
    • Round trip home to airport
    • Travel to and from lodging to campus for meetings
  • Airport parking
  • Transportation from airport to EMU: EMU will pick up or rental car cost reimbursed (check with president's office regarding car-pooling)
  • Costs for meals during travel and meetings is provided or reimbursable.
  • Lodging: guest-house, hotel (reserved by EMU for discounted rate)

Responsible Party – Chair, EMU Board of Trustees

Policy Review – Five years

Policy Distribution – Board of Trustees; EMU Business Office; Corporate Secretary

Approved: EMU Board of Trustees, April, 2020

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