GPP.09 EMU Board of Trustees Assessment Policy

GPP.09 EMU Board of Trustees Assessment Policy

Board of Trustees

Board Assessment Policy

The Board Assessment policy is designed to support the on-going development and effectiveness of the Board, through an intentional review the Board’s work, governing practices and operations. The policy is informed by SACSCOC accreditation standards on evaluating board effectiveness and recommendations from Association of Governing Boards of Universities and Colleges on board assessment.

The Trustee Committee has responsibility to periodically review the Board Assessment policy and make recommendations to EMU’s Board of Trustees on potential changes.


Trustees will have the opportunity to provide written feedback following board meetings. The feedback will provide input on board agenda, docket materials, opportunity to engage and contribute, and specific recommendations for improving EMU’s board governance.


During the final year of a trustee’s term a performance assessment will be completed. This will include self-assessment by the trustee and assessment by peers, the other trustees. The purpose is to affirm the trustee’s performance, to provide feedback for professional development as a trustee and to provide information that helps the trustee and the board make decisions about reappointment. The Trustee Committee has responsibility for the trustee performance assessment process and for discernment and recommendation on reappointment.


The EMU Board will complete a Board Assessment every 3-4 years. The assessment will include areas such as EMU’s mission/vision, strategic planning, programs and services, financial management, advancement, organization of the board, board composition, and President / Board relations. The Board Assessment results will be reviewed with EMU’s Board of Trustees.

Approved, Board of Trustees, June 2017

Updated: Trustee Committee of Board of Trustees, March 2020


Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges: Foundation for Quality Enhancement (2018)

The 2014 AGB Survey of Higher Education Governance: Association of Governing Board of Higher Education Universities and Colleges

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