GPP.10 Presidential Assessment Policy

GPP.10 Presidential Assessment Policy

Board of Trustees

Presidential Assessment Policy

The Presidential Assessment policy is designed to support the on-going development of presidential leadership and the institution’s success. Regular and documented presidential assessment fulfills the requirements for institutional accreditation and expectations for accountability. The policy is informed by SACS accreditation standards and practices recommended by the Association of Governing Boards of Universities and Colleges.
The Executive Committee has responsibility to periodically review the Presidential Assessment policy and make recommendations to EMU’s Board of Trustees on potential changes.


The president will complete an annual written self-assessment based on the presidential job description and presidential goals agreed to with the Board of Trustees. The Executive Committee will provide oversight of the annual progress review including the schedule. The Executive Committee will report to the Board in executive session a summary of the annual performance assessment and solicit affirmation/counsel. The annual assessment is an important forum for dialogue with the President and the Board of Trustees on progress of strategic initiatives and presidential goals.


The EMU Board will complete a comprehensive presidential assessment during the final year of a president’s term and contract. A Presidential Comprehensive Assessment Committee, chaired by an EMU trustee, will be selected by the Executive Committee in consultation with the Mennonite Education Agency. The review will include assessment of key responsibilities and leadership qualifications outlined in the Presidential Job Description (2020). The Board Chair and Presidential Comprehensive Assessment Committee Chair will review results of the comprehensive assessment with the president and EMU’s Board of Trustees.


A Presidential Development Plan will be developed and approved by the Board of Trustees during the first year of the President’s term. The Presidential Development Plan is intended to address the holistic well-being and development of the president (e.g., professional, spiritual, physical, social /emotional). The plan will be reviewed and updated following each Presidential Comprehensive Assessment.

Board of Trustees

Approved June 2017

Revision April 2020


Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges Principles of Accreditation (2012)

Assessing Presidential Effectiveness: A Guide for College & University Boards (Morrill, 2010)

Eastern Mennonite University President Job Description (2020)

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