GPP.08 Officer Nomination Policy Procedure

GPP.08 Officer Nomination Policy Procedure

Board of Trustees

Officer Nomination Policy/Procedure 

Eastern Mennonite University’s Bylaws outline officers of the corporation and terms of appointment. Officers are elected at the annual meeting of the Board of Trustees.

The Corporate Secretary of the Board will solicit nominations from the Board of Trustees for trustee officers. Trustee officers serve as members of the Board of Trustees Executive Committee.  Criteria for potential Trustee officers include exemplary service as a EMU trustee, demonstrated board leadership, understands governance, willingness to commit time to fulfill officer / Executive Committee responsibilities, and diverse expertise/experience.

The Executive Committee will recommend to the Board of Trustees a slate of officers for election at the annual meeting of the Board of Trustees.

Board of Trustees

Approved June 2017


Trustee Officer Nomination Form.docx

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