Student Employment

Student Employment

Federal Work Study

Many students are able to help meet their costs by working at part-time jobs during their university experience. Student employment is available in many academic and administrative offices on campus and several off-campus community service locations. Students can work about 8 hours per week.  Students may apply for employment positions by contacting appropriate supervisors and then completeing the required employment application.

Returning students are encouraged to make arrangements for employment with supervisors before they leave campus in the spring. New students should pursue work-study placements as soon as eligibility has been determined.

EMU Work Program

Not all undergraduate students are eligible for Federal Work-Study. A limited number of undergraduate international students may be offered the opportunity for on-campus employment prior to enrolling as a regular undergraduate student. No additional offers are made to international students after enrollment.

Also, due to the nature of certain on-campus employment opportunities, students may be paid from EMU Work Programs funds.

Financial Aid 

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