Refund and Withdrawal Policy- Undergraduate

Refund and Withdrawal Policy- Undergraduate

Two situations may result in a student receiving a refund of payments made for institutional charges (tuition and room and meal plans):

  1. Changing enrollment to fewer credit hours, or
  2. Withdrawing from the university.

Similarly, these two situations may require the return of funds (refunds) of student financial aid to various financial aid programs. Whether or not a student receives an actual cash refund will depend on financial aid adjustments and other miscellaneous charges the student may have on his or her account.

Changing Enrollment to Fewer Credit Hours

Procedure: Students who wish to drop a class shall obtain a drop/add form from the Registrar’s Office. The date the student completes the process and signs the form is the date used in calculating adjustments for tuition and other charges.

Adjustments for Tuition Charges

Tuition charges are adjusted downward using a two-step process. First the difference between the new per credit hour charge and the original higher charge is calculated. This difference is then multiplied by the percentage of the enrollment period not yet completed. The Adjustment and Refund Chart at the end of this section is used for determining percentage not completed.  Please note activity fees and general services fees are not refunded. 

Adjustment for Room and Meal Plan

The Adjustment and Refund Chart outlined at the end of this section determines the adjustment to room and meal charges. The room and meal adjustment percentage may be different than the tuition adjustment percentage depending on the actual days the student remained in a residence hall. (Note: students must be enrolled full time in order to reside in a residence hall).

Adjustments to Financial Aid Awards

Most grants and scholarships require full-time enrollment. Most loans require at least half-time enrollment. Students should consult the Financial Assistance Office to determine what adjustments will be required by change in enrollment status. No adjustments are made after 60% of the termed enrolled.

Return of Title IV Funds and Refund Policies

Withdrawing from the University During a Semester

Undergraduate students who intend to withdraw from Eastern Mennonite University shall schedule a meeting with the Dean of Students (studentlife@emu.edu) who determines the official withdrawal date. It shall be no later than the date the student meets with the Dean of Students, but may be earlier. The official withdrawal date is based on class attendance dates and other extenuating circumstances. A student who withdraws during the semester must complete an application for readmission prior to re-enrollment

Medically Excused Withdrawal

Medically Excused (including what was previously known as Medical Leave) status is available for undergraduate students who, due to a documented concern that is affecting their personal health, are unable to complete all or some of their coursework during a semester at Eastern Mennonite University. Medically excused status is usually only requested during the final 40% of the semester, after the traditional withdrawal period is over. 

A student requesting medically excused status should meet with/contact the Dean of Students (studentlife@emu.edu) and complete the medically excused application form. The application requires documentation from a health care provider or verification from an appropriate university official (Associate Dean of Students, Title IX coordinator, etc.).  After documentation has been received, the Dean of Students will meet with the CARE Team to determine if the application for medically excused status is accepted. 

Students requesting medically excused status may need to apply for readmission (as a re-admit student) through the Admissions Office, which will contact the Dean of Students for approval of fitness to return to campus through the process described below. The Dean of Students may consult other university officials during this readmission process. The re-admit application is free and does not require a student to resend any admissions documentation, unless they attend another institution during time away from EMU.

A request for medically excused status for the current semester should be made prior to the last week of class in the fall or spring semester, or prior to the last day of class in summer term. Requests made after the last week of classes may only be made if there are extraordinary circumstances that prevented the student from requesting medical leave/excused status. 

Students may request a retroactive medically excused status if they experienced extraordinary medical or personal problems during a semester.  Within two years of having completed such a semester, a student may petition the Assistant Provost for Student Success to receive a retroactive medically excused “W” in some or all classes taken during the term.  The petition must include clear and documented evidence.  The Dean of Students will consult with the CARE team to determine if the retroactive withdrawal will be granted.  If it is granted, all grade changes requested during the term in question will be changed to a “W”.  

Unofficial Withdrawal

If a student has not attended a course/ courses on a regular basis (has multiple absences over a period of at least two weeks) and has not responded to efforts by the instructor or other EMU personnel to address the absences, the university registrar may administratively withdraw the student from the course(s.) The Primary Designated School Official will be consulted regarding the potential withdrawal of an international student.

Any decision to unofficially withdraw a student will be referenced with the Dean of Students and made in consultation with the instructor of the course(s) involved. The withdrawal date will reflect the final date the student attended the course(s) according to instructor records.

For all types of withdrawals or leaves, refunds (if applicable) will be finalized by the business office according to written protocols in consultation with the financial aid office after the withdrawal or leave form has been completed and submitted to the business office. Students are generally required to check out of the residence hall within 48 hours of completing the withdrawal process or may be required to leave sooner in the case of an unofficial withdrawal. At the time of withdrawal or leave, their ID will be deactivated and they will no longer have card access to residence or dining halls.

Leaving or Withdrawing while Subject to Disciplinary Processes

A student who leaves or withdraws from the university in the midst of a disciplinary process remains subject to disciplinary procedures and outcomes. Outcomes may be determined whether the student is present for a disciplinary hearing or is absent.

Adjustments for Tuition, Room & Board Charges

Students who withdraw, drop out, are dismissed, or otherwise cease enrollment prior to completing 60% of the semester or mini-term equivalent shall receive a refund equal to the percentage of the term remaining for courses not completed but registered for at the start of the semester.  Completed courses are charged in full at the per credit price in effect for the term. Students who withdraw prior to the first day of classes shall receive a full refund of all payments except tuition deposits.

Students with Title IV federal aid, who withdraw before the 60% midpoint of the semester, will have their federal aid recalculated according to the Return of Title IV Aid policy.  Please see the institutional withdrawal policy and/or financial aid return of Title IV Funds policy for more information.

Adjustment and Refund Percentages (Chart) for 2024-2025
Time PeriodFall SemesterSpring Semester  %
1st weekAug 28 - Sept 2Jan 9 - Jan 1497%
2nd weekSept 3 - Sept 9Jan 15 - Jan 2190%
3rd weekSept 10 - Sept 16Jan 22 - Jan 2883%
4th weekSept 17 - Sept 23Jan 29 - Feb 476%
5th weekSept 24 - Sept 30Feb 5 - Feb 1169%
6th weekOct 1 - Oct 7Feb 12 - Feb 1862%
7th weekOct 8 - Oct 14Feb 19 - Feb 2555%
8th weekOct 15 - Oct 21Feb 26 - Mar 11 **48%
9th weekOct 22 - Oct 28Mar 12  - Mar 2040%
After the 9th weekOct 29 and laterMar 21 and later0%
** period includes Mid-Semester Recess

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