Adjunct Teaching Compensation for EMU Employees

Adjunct Teaching Compensation for EMU Employees

EMU staff and administrative employees may receive compensation for teaching academic courses.

Prior to accepting the instructional role, an employee must have supervisor approval and meet the following criteria:

  • Teaching load is limited to one course per semester and is above normal work responsibilities
  • Compensation is at the adjunct pay rate according to the adjunct faculty compensation policy maintained by the provost's office
  • Has been employed by EMU for at least one year
  • The employee is subject to the same evaluation process as other adjuncts.

Supervisor approval of employee teaching should be documented and placed in the employee’s human resources file.

Responsible Party

Responsibility for this policy lies with the Provost.

Policy Review

This policy will be reviewed as needed for changing circumstances.

Policy Distribution

This policy is distributed via the employee handbook and is implemented by Human Resources in contract preparation.

Approved by Provost Council, June 2019

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