

Federal and state laws require Eastern Mennonite University to maintain accurate records of the hours worked by our employees. 

The accurate recording of time worked is the responsibility of every nonexempt employee.  Nonexempt employees must accurately record their time four times daily: at the beginning and end of their workday, and before and after each meal period.  Nonexempt employees also must record the beginning and ending time of any split shift or departure from work for personal reasons.  The recording of time should be done on the date worked.

Nonexempt employees should report to work no more than 15 minutes prior to their scheduled starting time and should not stay more than 15 minutes after their scheduled stop time without express, prior authorization from their supervisors.

Overtime work must always be approved according to the Overtime Policy before it is performed.

All employees must record all leave time, including vacation time, paid time off (PTO), and leaves of absences.

It is the employees’ responsibility to closely review and approve their time records to certify the accuracy of all work time recorded.  The supervisor will review and approve the time record before submitting it for payroll processing.  If corrections or modifications are made to the time record, both the employee and the supervisor must verify the accuracy of the changes by the employee submitting a punch change request to their immediate supervisor.

Eastern Mennonite University will not process time records for payroll if they:

·           are not approved by the employee;

·           do not match scheduled hours without the supervisor’s authorization;

·           are falsified; or

·           include hours from any pay period other than the current period.

Problems with payroll should be directed to the employee’s immediate supervisor first.  If problems are not satisfactorily resolved by the supervisor, the employee may contact Human Resources at 540-432-4049.

Altering, falsifying, tampering with time records, or recording time not actually worked may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.


Approved by Cabinet January 18, 2023

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