MAED: Diverse Needs Strategist

MAED: Diverse Needs Strategist

MA in Education: Diverse Needs Strategist

Three areas of emphasis are built into the concentration area:

(1) Teaching English as a Second Language, (2) Trauma & Resilience in Education, and (3) Special Education.

MA in Education: *Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL) Emphasis

Semester Hours

A. Program Core Curriculum 

(Recommended early in program)

EDCC 501 Creating Cultures of Change3

EDCC 521 Peacebuilding and Conflict Transformation3

EDCC 531 Social & Ethical Issues in Education3

(Recommended later in program)

EDCC 551 Action Research in Educational Settings (Prerequisite: Admission to Candidacy)  

B. Concentration Area 
 (Required course work 22-24 hrs.)

EDSL 551 Methods of Teaching ESL / FL3

EDSL 571 Language Acquisition and Grammar3

EDSL 581 Language and Culture3

EDSL 511 Teaming and Collaboration3

EDSL 591 ESL Assessment and Support **


VAOR, EDLA 511 Literacy Assessment

EDLA 511 Literacy Assessment


VAEDLA 501 Foundations of Literacy3
VAEDPC 601 Practicum: TESL3

PAEDSL 541 Foundations of ESL3
PAEDSL 611 Professional Development Portfolio**3
C. Reflective Practice

EDPC 611 Action Research Project: ESL3
NOTE: In addition, candidates who have not reached a level of proficiency in a foreign language at Intermediate Level II must take additional hours of foreign language to achieve that level, or demonstrate proficiency on the ACTFL Oral Proficiency Interview and Writing Proficiency Test. Candidates who have had equivalent course work may substitute elective replacements. 
For ESL PreK-12 licensure/endorsement, candidates must have taken an English linguistics course and a specialized practicum to meet licensure requirements. An introduction to curriculum course and a 14-week internship (7 hrs.) are required for candidates seeking TESL as an initial license.
VA Candidates must also pass the praxis test: English to Speakers of Other Languages (#5362) prior to placement in an internship.
**Admission to Reading Specialist program required

MA in Education: Trauma and Resilience in Educational Environments (TREE)

Semester Hours

A. Program Core Curriculum 

(Recommended early in program)

EDCC 501 Creating Cultures of Change3

EDCC 521 Peacebuilding and Conflict Transformation3

EDCC 531 Social & Ethical Issues in Education3

(Recommended later in program)

EDCC 551 Action Research in Educational Settings (Prerequisite: Admission to Candidacy)  

B. Concentration Area 
 (Required course work 15 hrs.)

EDDA 571 Trauma, Restoration, and Resilience in Educational Environment3

EDDA 631 Research in Risk and Resilience3

EDDA 541 Self-Care and Resilience for Educators3

EDCI 561 Neuro-Education: Application of Research on the Brain, Trauma, Resilience and Learning3

EDRJ 551 Foundations of Restorative Justice in Education


OR, EDRJ 621 Restorative Discipline

Electives – 6 hrs. (Chosen from pre-approved list, or with approval of the program director.)


C. Reflective Practice

EDPC 611 Action Research Project: Trauma and Resilience3

Electives:  Elective courses are to be taken from the following Education (ED), Organizational Leadership (OLS), or CJP (PAX) courses.

EDDA 501  At-Risk Issues in School and Community3

EDDA 511  Teaching Diverse Learners 3

EDRJ 551   Foundations of Restorative Justice in Education3

EDRJ 581  Analyzing Conflict in Educational Settings 3

EDRJ 621  Restorative Discipline3

OLS 510   Leadership & Management for the Common Go3

PAX 540  STAR: Strategies for Trauma Awareness & Resilience2

PAX 612   Building Resilience in Body, Mind, & Spirit 3

PAX 590   Peacebuilding and Public Policymaking3

MA in Education: Special Education Emphasis 

Semester Hours

A. Program Core Curriculum 

(Recommended early in program)

EDCC 501 Creating Cultures of Change3

EDCC 521 Peacebuilding and Conflict Transformation3

EDCC 531 Social & Ethical Issues in Education3

(Recommended later in program)

EDCC 551 Action Research in Educational Settings (Prerequisite: Admission to Candidacy)  

B. Concentration Area 
 (Required course work 12 hrs.)

EDDS 611 Curriculum and Instructional Support for Special Education Students3

EDCI 511 Teaming & Collaboration3

EDDA 511 Teaching Diverse Learners3

EDDS 511 Foundations and Procedural Issues in Special Education3

(Electives – 9 hrs.)

Chosen from other MA in Education emphases


C. Reflective Practice

EDPC 611 Action Research Project: Special Education3

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