GTE Student Services Virginia

GTE Student Services Virginia

Registration, Textbooks & Payment

Candidates are encouraged to pre-register one month prior to the first day of class to receive pre-class assignments at EMU. Candidates can register through myEMU using their Royals username and password (Academics tab; Student Tools). New students can register by contacting the appropriate MA in Education office or by registering online at REGISTRATION, VA.  Textbooks are typically available from EMU’s bookstore and may be ordered at University Bookstore.

Payment for tuition and technology fee (if applicable) is due at the first class.

Tuition Accounts & Technology fees:

EMU accepts payment by check or cash. Registered students can view and pay account balances through myEMU using their Royals username and password. Monthly notices are sent to candidates’ EMU email.

To view/pay your account, log into myEMU, click on the Accounts tab at the top, click on View my Account Online tile.  The View my Account link takes you to the CashNet portal where you can view your statements and make payments.  

  • You can make payments on your account online through CASHNet anytime.
    • E-Check (free)
    • Debit/Credit card (2.75% fee)
  • You can drop off a personal check, cashier's check or cash at the Business Office
    • Write your EMU ID# and Course Name in the memo or on the envelop

The Business Office may be contacted at 540-432-4575 with questions.  Also see Business Office web site listing of Graduate Tuition & Fees.

Student Services                                          

Counseling Services**                                         

Health Services*                                                   

Fitness Center                                                      

Career Services    

Campus Pastoral Support

Athletic events

Fine Arts programs

Technology Services

Help Desk

Online technology

Internet bandwidth

Classroom Technology and Learning Management Software

Lab resources

 Academic Support Services

Academic Success Center

Writing Program

Library Resources including online journals


Both full time (9 credits or more per semester) and part time graduate students will be able to access Health Center services.  Full time students are required to fill out the Grad Student Health information form, whether or not they plan to access services.  Failure to fill out this form will result in a registration hold until it is completed.  Part time students will not get a registration hold if they do not fill out the form, but it must be completed prior to accessing Health Center services. The Grad Student Health Information form only needs to be completed once during the student’s program.

Please note that payment of this fee enables students to be seen at Health Services. The fee covers services not billable to insurance including processing the Graduate Student Health Information Form and immunization requirements (the fee does not cover actual appointments, immunizations or other services rendered). Health Services is able to bill health insurance for services provided. Any applicable co-pays are to be paid at the time of the visit or paid in full if not covered by health insurance.  See Health Services web site for more details.


Payment of this fee ensures access to free short term counseling with one of the counselors in Counseling Services. See EMU Counseling Services web site for more details.

Withdraw and Tuition Refund Policies

When a student withdraws from a program, or changes enrollment to fewer credit hours, certain procedures must be followed and the student may be eligible for a partial refund of tuition payments.

Financial Aid recipients who change their course registration or withdraw after the beginning of each semester must notify the financial assistance office.

Enrollment status is very important to aid eligibility.  Financial aid refunds due to withdrawal are calculated using percentage of the term not completed as dictated by federal aid regulations.   More information about aid adjustments and refunds due to change in enrollment status, may be obtained from the Financial Assistance Office and the Lancaster coordinator of  student financial services.

Please see the graduate catalog for general academic information for all graduate programs: GRADUATE CATALOG or ask the Graduate Teacher Education office for a copy.

Financial Aid Office   

VA Office hours:
Monday-Friday: 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.  
Toll Free Number: 800-330-9683

Email:  finaid@emu.edu 

15 Week Semester-long course enrollment

Tuition & Fee Adjustment and Refund Percentages (Chart) 

Time Period


1st week


2nd week


3rd week


4th week


5th week


6th week


7th week


8th week**


9th week


After the 9th week


** accounts for semester breaks

Summer Intensives

Tuition & Fee Adjustment and Refund Percentages (Chart) 

Time Period (5 week block)


1st week


2nd week (residential)


3rd week


4th & 5th weeks0%
1st week is pre-residential, 2nd week is the residential week.

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