Registrars Office

Registrars Office

Web: emu.edu/registrar
Phone: 540-432-4110

Grade Reporting

Grades are available to students through myEMU at https://my.emu.edu/ics/Academics


Course registration materials will be provided to continuing students prior to each term of study. A student wishing to add or drop a course shall contact his or her advisor. For courses offered on a standard semester basis the following applies: courses may be added through the first five days of the semester and may be dropped with no grade through the first four weeks. Courses dropped during the fifth through ninth week are recorded as “W” (withdrawal). No change is permitted after the ninth week. Drop/Add deadlines are adjusted accordingly for courses offered on other time frames.


To assure confidentiality of academic records, all requests for official transcripts must be submitted by the student in writing. Requests should be made to the University Registrar’s Office. For instructions on how to request an official transcript, go to www.emu.edu/registrar/transcript-ordering.

If found responsible for sexual assault, a student's transcript will be noted according to the requirements of the Commonwealth of Virginia. Notation also occurs if a reported student withdraws before a finding has been reached.

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