Alcohol, Tobacco, and Illegal Drug Policy

Alcohol, Tobacco, and Illegal Drug Policy

In accordance with the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act of 1989 and in support of local, state and federal regulations pertaining to the illegal use of alcohol and other drugs, the possession or use of alcohol, tobacco and illegal drugs is prohibited from the EMU campus as well as all university-related functions.

Persons who misuse, obtain for others to use or distribute alcohol, tobacco, or illegal drugs on campus will be held responsible in accordance with the University Standards of Conduct. Students who misuse alcohol, tobacco or illegal drugs off campus will also be in violation of the university policy and may be held responsible by the appropriate university officials. Misuse is identified as consumption that compromises the safety of oneself or others, underage drinking and/or drinking to excess, intoxication, illegal personal use and/or rowdiness, and damage or destruction of property.

NOTE on Self-Reporting/Amnesty for Alcohol and Other Drugs: Individuals who self-report consumption or potential misuse of alcohol and other drugs will not face university disciplinary action. In cases of self-reporting, a member of the student life staff will meet with the student to determine the best educational and/or recovery options available for the student, if needed. In cases of self-reporting, the university will offer its own resources as well as community-based resources to help.  

A number of services are available for persons dealing with addictions to alcohol or other substances. The following are treatment & rehabilitation programs and support services. The EMU Counseling Center (counselingservices@emu.edu) will assist any student in making contact with any of these agencies. Any such referral is confidential.

A number of services are available for persons dealing with addictions to alcohol or other substances. The following are treatment & rehabilitation programs and support services. The EMU Counseling Center (counselingservices@emu.edu) will assist any student in making contact with any of these agencies. Any such referral is confidential.

Addiction Resources in the Community (main campus)

Support Groups:

AA, Al-Anon, Alateen

    Websites for complete list of meetings:

        Al-Anon: www.vaalanon.org

        AA: www.aavirginia.org

Augusta Health (Fishersville)

    (540) 213-2509 or (540) 941-2509

Blue Ridge Area Intergroup (Winchester)

    24 hour hotline AA HOTLINES (540) 667-0322 or (800) 835-6130

Twelfth Step Intergroup (Harrisonburg)

    24-hour answering service in English & Español (540) 434-8870

Valley Intergroup (Staunton, Verona, and Waynesboro)

    Staunton, Verona: (540) 885-6912

    Waynesboro: (540) 949-7777

Substance Abuse Services:

Cambios  (Harrisonburg)

    A Spanish-speaking group for people with alcohol or drug problems in the Harrisonburg area. Contact (540) 434-1941

Harrisonburg-Rockingham Community Services Board

    Office: (540) 434-1941

    Emergency Services: (540) 434-1766

Narcotics Anonymous

    www.shevana.org and (800) 777-1515

Sentara RMH Addiction Services 

    (540) 564-5960

Local Substance Issues Resources


Addiction Resources in the Lancaster Community

Support Groups:

Heart of Lancaster Hospital

1500 Highlands DR

Litiz, PA 17543

Substance Abuse Services:

The Lancaster Freedom Center
436 North Lime Street, Lancaster, PA 17602
email: info@lancasterfreedomcenter.com


Addiction Resources in the District of Columbia

Support Groups:

Department of Behavioral Health
Office Hours are Monday to Friday, 8:15 am to 5:00 pm, except District holidays
64 New York Avenue, NE, 3rd Floor, Washington, DC 20002
Phone: (202) 673-2200
Fax: (202) 673-3433
TTY: (202) 673-7500
Email: dbh@dc.gov

Substance Use Disorder Services:

Department of Behavioral Health


The Department of Behavioral Health (DBH) certifies a network of community based providers in the public behavioral health system to provide substance use disorder services including detoxification, residential and outpatient services based on the level of need.  It also provides a range of prevention and recovery services. DBH regulates and sets policy for substance use disorder prevention, treatment, and recovery services.

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