

Senior Practicum in Social Work

Course Description:
The senior practicum is a 430 hour, semester-long placement in an approved organizational setting where the student takes on beginning generalist social work roles under the direction of designated field instructor(s). A weekly 2 hour seminar course integrates theory and professional knowledge for generalist social work practice. Students will build knowledge, skills, and abilities through reflective discussion of experiential learning from practicum settings. As the capstone experience of the social work program, student must have completed all prior courses of social work curriculum.
Students are expected to attend seminar class in person or via ZOOM as scheduled for regular contact with field liaison and classmate colleagues.

Policies Governing Practicum:
You must have permission and academic standing that meets the requirements of the EMU social work program to enter practicum. You must abide by the the NASW code of ethics while in practicum placement, and maintain professional conduct in dress, behaviour, and relational interactions while at the organization and when interacting with clients and colleagues at all times. Please consult the EMU Social Work Field Practicum Manual (posted in the welcome box of moodle) for detailed understanding of all policies governing practicum.

Course Goals and Objectives:
The EMU social work program seeks to build social work student competencies according to the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) 2015 Educational Policy and Accreditation standards (EPAS). Social Work Practicum addresses integration of each the nine core competencies and their derivative social work practice skills. (The complete EPAS are listed for your reference in the field manual on pp 10-14)

Texts and Other Resources:
Instructor resource:
Larkin, Shelagh. (2019). A field guide for social workers: Applying your generalist training. Los Angeles: Sage. ISBN 978-1-5063-7924-1

Students consult these texts from earlier in curriculum:

  1. Cummins, L. K., Sevel, J. A., (2018). Social work skills for beginning direct Practice: Text, workbook, and interactive web-based case studies. 4th Ed. Upper Saddle River: Pearson Education. ISBN13: 9780134303277; ISBN10: 013430327X  (Or prior version)
    1. Text from SOWK 410 Social Work Practice I (this is the “cook book” that describes what social workers do in each stage of the helping process).
  2. Zastrow, C., & Hessenauer, S.L. (2019). Social Work with Groups: Comprehensive Practice and Self-care. 10th  Cengage Learning.
    1. Text from SOWK 400 Social Work Practice II
  3. Hutchison, E.D. (2017). Essentials of Human Behavior Integrating Person, Environment and the Life Course. 2nd Ed. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc. ISBN 978-1-4833-7772-8 (or prior version)
    1. Text from SOWK 200 Social Behavior & Diversity (this social work text is an important reference for assessment of clients.  It provides theory & research on human behavior in social environment.  This text has helpful chapters on human development in every stage of the life cycle, has clear descriptions of eight common theoretical perspectives used in social work, as well as clear chapters on dimensions of Person and dimensions of Environment.


Requirements & Evaluation:

Due Date


Completion Assignments Documenting Practicum Hours:
Attend practicum according to schedule arranged with field instructor.

430 hours are required in Organizational Setting
Log of hours, signed by Field Instructor each week
Journal – write weekly about your practicum activities and assignments in the first 10 weeks of placement (turn in on moodle)

Report #1 On beginning stage of placement
Report #2 On middle stage of placement
No formal Ending stage of placement report required, however, incorporate insights re ending stage and termination in preparation for your Oral exam.


Due final week
Due on Sat by noon

End of 3rd week
Midterm Eval
10th week to End


Suggested Structure of Supervision in Field Setting

  1. Learning Contract with Learning Goals and anticipated activities per each EPAS completed with Field Instructor, and turned in to instructor by between 3rd-5th week.
  2. Participate in weekly supervision with Field Instructor and daily informal supervision.
  3. Prepare for supervision with agenda
  4. Under direction of field instructor learn how work in your setting is documented.
  5. Field Instructor will complete a Mid-semester Student Practicum Evaluation. And will process in supervision.
  6. End-of-the-semester evaluation completed by Field Instructor. Will process as part of termination from field learning.

3rd-5th week of placement

Mid-term week
Final week


Seminar Assignments for Learning Integration:
Submit via moodle in appropriate week.

  1. Prepare PP slide Presentation describing your organization, its mission, organizational culture, & niche in community.
    Give presentation in seminar class as scheduled
  2. Process Recording #1 of a client or group session (See template for PR in welcome box of moodle)
  3. Process Recording #2 of a client or group session (See template for PR in welcome box of moodle)
  4. Bio-psycho-social-spiritual assessment based on a client (Change Client identifying details to preserve confidentiality)
  5. Learn about social work licensure process and participate in Pathway to Licensure group practice test questions

Due in 5th week
Due in 8th week
Due in 10th week
Due in 12th week
Ongoing in class


Exams (25%)
Oral Exam with Field Liaison
Prepare written notes to support your discussion of learning on each of the nine CSWE EPAS domains. You will need to turn in your notes at the end of your oral.

Pathway to Licensure Group Practice Final

Scheduled in final week

Taken as scheduled-
final week

Grades- Students are expected to attend seminar class in person or via ZOOM when scheduled for regular contact with field liaison and classmate colleagues. The grade for Field is given on a Pass-Fail basis.

To pass practicum:
Completion Assignments must be turned in on-time & earn minimum of 70%
Seminar Assignments must be turned in on-time & earn minimum of 70%
Final field evaluation composite mean score cannot be below 3 (on 5 point scale)
Pathway to Licensure Group practice test- must take it in final week

Turning in Assignments:
Guidance Notes are provided on our moodle for each of the required assignments.
You should turn in your weekly journals, the Beginning & Middle Reports, Process Recordings, & Bio-psycho-social-spiritual assessment paper, and Oral Exam Prep notes via the links provided on Moodle.

Practicum class will meet as designated in the semester schedule on a weekday morning from 8:30am-10:30am.

The class is scheduled locally usually in Roselawn 206. However, off campus placements will connect to the on-campus cohort of students via ZOOM.
The ZOOM room link is:

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