Field Forms

Field Forms

Memorandum of Agreement
This form reflects the agreement between EMU and EMU Social Work Program with the Organization agreeing to host the student placement. EMU Social Work Faculty field liaison and/or Program Director will sign for EMU, the student, field instructor, and Organizational Director or designee signs for the hosting organization.
This form is signed either at the first site visit from the Liaison, or the student will bring it for signatures. The student has this form available for download from the EMU practicum class moodle. The field instructor and organization can keep a copy of the signed agreement for internal purposes. EMU social work program keeps a copy of the signed agreement as well.

Attendance Hours Log
The student is expected to log their attendance at the practicum site so there is a clear record that they have been present for practicum for the required number of hours. EMU Social Work Program requires 430 hours logged in the placement site to complete placement. We ask that the field instructor signs the log, to verify the hours, on a weekly basis.
The student has this form available for download from the EMU practicum class moodle. The student should request the field instructor's signature for verification of hours on a weekly basis.

Learning Contract
The student, in conjunction with the field instructor, will fill out this learning contract. This form outlines an overview of expected assignments and experiences and how they are connected to the nine CSWE EPAS domains. It also specifies the expected method of evaluation and feedback to the student.
Orientation to the learning contract will be provided to the student during practicum seminar. And the faculty field liaison will review contract during the initial site visit. Questions about the learning contract can be addressed to the faculty field liaison.
The contract should be completed after the initial orientation period at the agency, when it becomes more clear to student and field instructor what tasks and responsibilities are possible to assign to the student. The signed contract should generally be turned in by the student during the 5th week of the placement.

Field Instructor Evaluation of Student & Program
Field instructors are asked to evaluate the practicum student at the middle and end of the placement.

Mid-semester Student Evaluation
The mid-semester evaluation occurs during the middle point of the semester. The field instructor will receive an email with a link to the mid-semester evaluation. After completing the answers, the form is received by the social work program digitally.
The field instructor should also download a copy of the evaluation to use to process the feedback with the student in supervision. This mid-semester evaluation can be an opportunity for adjusting learning goals, and making plans for additional learning opportunities for the student in the remaining weeks of the semester. (See copy of questions in Appendix A).

Final Student Evaluation
The Final Student Evaluation is sent to the field instructor via email with a similar link as the mid-semester evaluation. The questions are the same as the mid-semester evaluation, although with the passage of more time in placement, we expect your ratings may change. The final evaluation should be completed with adequate time to review the evaluation as the student and field instructor are terminating their relationship at the end of the student's placement.

Evaluation of Program Performance
The EMU Social Work Program seeks open and candid feedback from our community partners. We want to hear from you regarding how this stint as a field instructor has gone for you. We also value your ideas regarding ways the program can best support students and field instructors during placement. We hope you might feel comfortable to speak about such ideas directly with the field liaison in the final site visit.
We also realize the value of extending a more formal and confidential written opportunity to provide such feedback. Thus, at the very end of the placement, the field instructor will receive one final email with a link to complete the Field Instructor Feedback Survey.
This questionnaire includes sections for your open-ended direct comments regarding your experience. It also includes a section we use as a composite measure for ongoing accreditation.
As field instructors we know you have had opportunity to engage our students in multiple topics. You have had a front row seat, so to speak, on what our students can demonstrate of knowledge, values, and skills as beginning generalist social workers. Therefore, we value your ratings of how the program is performing according to how prepared you found your particular social work student for generalist practice according to the nine CSWE competency areas. (See copy of questions in Appendix B).

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