Marketing Basics
Marketing Basics
The 5W's
- Who is invited?
- Who is the audience?
- Who needs this information?
- Who are my networks for this event
- what is happening at this event?
- What speakers, workshops, panels, arts events? (The earlier you can get this info together the better)
- Likely this will be EMU, but maybe not
- Be sure have location details clear as early as possible- especially registration or opening session info
- Dates- starting and ending date especially
- As much of a schedule as you can manage.
Why is it important
- Consider identifying someone who can talk about the importance of this event for an article
- What is the purpose of this event? What is the history of this event?
Bonus questions:
- Is registration required?
- How will people register?
- When will they register? (When will it open, when will it close)
Start with your networks
- The most successful conferences we run happen because the people on the planning committee connect with their networks. Send emails, make phone calls, use social media to tap your own networks.
- There is no magic bullet- no single article, photograph, webpage, video etc. will get people to your event, ESPECIALLY if you don’t put the time and effort into connecting with your networks.
- Any marketing piece created needs an audience and distribution network. Just creating the piece doesn't magically make people see it. It needs to be distributed. Think carefully about distribution BEFORE requesting something.
Consider having each planning committee member list networks and commit to tasks related to getting information out about the event. You can download Boomerang, a gmail extension, that can schedule emails and send reminders.