Planning for Food, Lodging and Transportation

Planning for Food, Lodging and Transportation

Planning what participants and speakers will eat, where they will sleep and how they will get from place to place is important. 


Pioneer catering offers meals, snacks and coffee service for a variety of budgets. You may also choose other food options, but Pioneer knows are space and availability well. 

If you will not provide meals for participants check to see if the cafeteria is open. If it is not, provide suggestions for participants for local restaurants. Make sure they have time and a way to get to and from restaurants. 


If the event is during the summer there may be on-campus housing available. Check with Auxiliary Services about availability. Even during the school year sometimes a few rooms are available. 

Blocks of rooms may also be reserved at a hotel, but know that transportation may be an issue if your participants did not drive to the event. 


As mentioned above, Harrisonburg is not transportation friendly for those without vehicles. Be aware of your participants' and speakers' transportation needs and plan for them. Communicate with participants about the expectation for transportation. Also be sure to communicate parking expectations. If participants will be on campus during the school year arrange parking with facilities management. 

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