EMU Alerts

EMU Alerts

About EMU Alerts

EMU Alerts is a notification system capable of sending emergency notifications instantly and simultaneously to registered mobile phones and email addresses. EMU has contracted with Rave Mobile Safety as our EMU Alerts system provider.

EMU Alerts is an opt-out system. Mobile phone numbers and email addresses are automatically enrolled to the alert system. Instructions for opting-out are below.

Sending EMU Alerts

The EMU Alerts system is only used for urgent campus-wide messages authorized by a campus administrator who is a member of the President's cabinet. The system will be tested occasionally with appropriate advance notice to the campus.

In a typical year four to six messages are sent through the EMU Alerts system. The most common reason is for an alert is weather related class cancellation.

How we user your information

Only members of the EMU Crisis Management Preparedness Team (CMPT) and its designated agents will have access to the information. All information within the EMU Alerts system is private. We will never publicize your phone numbers or email addresses without your permission.

Refusing EMU alerts

If you do not wish to receive EMU Alerts messages please visit the employee update or student update form and select "No, I DO NOT want EMU Alert messages" for your mobile phone and/or non-EMU email addresses. EMU Alerts will always be sent to your EMU email address.

We encourage all faculty, staff and students to remain enrolled in EMU Alerts. Enrollment will ensure you receive notifications critical to your safety and well being. 


To receive EMU Alerts you'll need a phone that supports text (SMS) messaging or a non-EMU email address. Nearly all mobile phones support text messaging; home and office phones generally do not. Rave will not attempt to sent alert messages to non-supported phones.

Note that EMU Alerts are automatically sent to all EMU @emu.edu email addresses. Please do not enroll EMU email addresses in EMU Alerts.

Updating EMU Alerts information

To update your phone number or non-EMU email address--as well as other address and contact information--please visit the employee update or student update form.

Signing up others

Only faculty, staff and students are enrolled in EMU Alerts. However, you can enroll multiple phone numbers--including your parents', spouse's, etc. To enroll these numbers visit the employee update or student update form and add the phone number to the 'EMU alerts Additional Mobile Contacts' section at the bottom.

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The Advanced Panelboxes for Confluence app license is not present or has expired. Please have the app's subscription reviewed or contact our support.

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