Emergency Management Plan

Emergency Management Plan

In collaboration with local emergency services, EMU's emergency management plan will be integrated into the Harrisonburg, Rockingham County, and James Madison University (JMU) Emergency Operations Plan.

Emergency Response, Evacuation Notifications, and Timely Warnings: 34 CFR 668.46(g)

Emergency Notifications

Most reports of significant emergencies or dangerous events are received through phone calls to EMU security personnel or local emergency responders. Occasionally emergency reports are received by others or through other communication channels. In these cases, EMU security needs to be notified of the emergency to ensure appropriate warnings of an event occurring on or imminently threatening campus are sent to community members.

Timely Warnings

In addition to emergency messaging, timely warnings, as defined by the Clery Act and reported to university Campus Security Authorities (CSAs), will be issued in response to an event --either on- or off-campus--which, in the judgment of the designated university representatives, constitutes a crime that has occurred or poses an ongoing threat to the campus community.

Dissemination of warnings

Many warning channels can be activated individually or through the consolidated EMU Alerts system.

The university maintains a robust emergency warning system. Below is a non-comprehensive list of available warning channels for use. 

  • EMU Alerts (including email messages, text messages, and web-page messages)
  • ALERTUS desktop and hallway beacons
  • Building fire alarms
  • Other

Many factors are taken into account when deciding to disseminate warnings. Below are some broad considerations.

  • Type of hazard
  • Life, safety, and property protection
  • Urgency
  • Audience
  • System(s) capabilities

Emergency Evacuation Procedures

Emergency evacuation procedures and maps for individual buildings are posted in prominent locations throughout each campus building. In the event of the need to vacate the building quickly these items can be used as reference. In the event of a campus-wide emergency evacuation, the local jurisdiction's Emergency Management Coordinator/Fire Chief or the designee will work cooperatively with university administration to determine the best means of transportation, relocation, and housing. If in the event that a crisis on campus requires the closing of residence halls for an extended duration, students who live within 300 miles of campus will be encouraged to return home (if conditions are such that they can do so safely). If a student's primary home residence is further than 300 miles from campus it is requested that they identify an alternate location within 300 miles for relocating. If there are no options within 300 miles, Residence Life will work with that student and Human Resources to obtain local housing. Student information is updated annually and is kept secure in the Residence Life Office.

Weather/Tornado Emergency

In the event of a tornado warning, seek shelter as soon as possible in the pre-designated locations in buildings. These locations can be found by looking for the Tornado Shelter Location and the fire exit maps in all buildings on campus. Becoming familiar with these tools can promote safety. For satellite campuses, local authorities will issue weather related emergency warnings.

Emergency Notification to the Community

Eastern Mennonite University utilizes multiple formats to distribute emergency notifications to the main campus community. The two primary systems, EMU Alerts and ALERTUS send the message by four distinct methods:

  •   Audible alarm and text notification on emergency notification to EMU-owned and active computers, common area ALERTUS beacons throughout the main campus.
  •   Splash screen notification on the EMU home page.
  •   E-mail message to EMU email accounts or other registered accounts
  •   Text messaging notifications to individual registered cell phone accounts

Emergency Response and Evacuation Policy

Emergencies: How to Respond 

The following guidelines apply to many emergency conditions that could happen on the campuses. It is not possible to establish procedures for every conceivable type of emergency, but we do attempt to establish guidelines for various situations such as fire, active shooter, earthquakes, tornados, pandemics. These guidelines can be used for any similar emergency or hazardous situation. Please review them frequently so you will be prepared in an emergency.

Medical Emergencies

For situations requiring emergency medical assistance on any campus, call 911. If on the main Harrisonburg campus, and involving students, notify the Campus Life On-call at (540-476-4578).

Intruder/Active Assailant Lockdown Emergencies

In the event that it becomes necessary to activate an intruder/lockdown response, EMU has various tools to use for emergency notification on the main campus. - EMU Alerts and ALERTUS desktop and beacon notifications are a few of the resources available. If actions are required, the best response is to be prepared through personal pre-planned response actions. Typically, in intruder situations, authorities suggest a stair-stepped approach to a response:

  1.   Exit the building; avoid the situation if at all possible.
  2.   Barricade or deny entry, and go into a lockdown mode, if needed.
  3.   Take decisive action against the intruder; defend yourself as a last resort.

Any response needs to be based on one's own personal safety. EMU has posted suggestions on how one might respond in Emergency Procedure guidelines. These can be found throughout the main campus and also by visiting the EMU website at: ww.emu.edu/crisis. It is imperative the guidelines are read to help with preparedness of multiple situations.

Avoid - Starts with your state of mind

Deny - When getting away is difficult or maybe even impossible

Defend - Because you have a right to protect yourself

 Bomb Threats

Immediately notify Campus Security at ext. 4911 from a main campus phone, or 540-432-4911 from cell or off main campus phone. Emergency personnel will advise necessary steps for calling 911 or evacuation if needed.

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