

Voicemail number - 540-432-4999

Setting up voicemail

  • Use a web browser to set your voicemail PIN



    • Navigate to phone.emu.edu and login using your ROYAL credentials (if you are setting up a shared extension please contact the helpdesk)

    • Navigate to: Menu (three bars icon) > Settings > User Settings > Voicemail PIN

    • Enter your new Voicemail PIN

    • Scroll down to the bottom and click “Save”

  • On a phone dial the voicemail system number (see initial paragraph for the number)

    • Enter the VM PIN that you set in step 2 and enter #

    • Press 5 - Voicemail options

      • Press 1 - Record greetings

        • Press 1 - Record standard greeting

          • Press 2 - Record name

For a complete voicemail menu structure see:

Uniteme voicemail menu diagram

Accessing your voicemail

  1. Accessing your voicemail from a phone

    1. To access your voicemail from on campus:

      1. Dial the voicemail extension (see initial paragraph for the number)

      2. Enter your voicemail PIN

      3. Enter 1 to listen to new messages (see above for a complete menu structure)

    2. To access your voicemail from off campus:

      1. Dial the full voicemail number (see initial paragraph for the number)

      2. Enter your extension and press #

      3. Enter your voicemail PIN and press #

      4. Enter 1 to listen to new messages (see above for a complete menu structure)

  2. Accessing your voicemail from a computer

    1. Email

      1. An email notification will be sent by default.  To configure email notifications:

        1. Log into phone.emu.edu

        2. Navigate to: Menu (three bars icon) > Settings > User Settings

        3. Under the "Voicemail" section you can

          1. Configure the email address

          2. Choose whether or not to attach an audio file

          3. Choose a second, "alternate" email address (and choose to include an attached audio file)

    2. Web interface

      1. Log into phone.emu.edu

      2. Navigate to: Menu (three bars icon) > Voicemails

Voicemail Retention:

  1. Voicemail recordings in the trash folder are retained for 5 days

  2. Voicemail recordings in all other folders are retained for 130 days.

Using alternate greetings:

  1. Record the message

    1. From the Main Menu press 5 for Voicemail Options

    2. Press 1 - record a message

    3. Select which greeting you would like to record

      1. Press 2 for an "Out of office" greeting

      2. Press 3 for an "Extended absence" greeting

    4. record the greeting

      1. Press 1 to playback the greeting

      2. Press 2 to accept the greeting

      3. Press 3 to delete and re-record

      4. Press * to cancel

  2. Choose the greeting

    1. From the Main Menu press 5 for Voicemail Options

    2. Press 3 to select a greeting

      1. Press 2 to choose the Standard greeting

      2. Press 3 to choose the Out of Office greeting

      3. Press 4 to choose the Extended absence greeting

      4. Press * to cancel

Transfer a call directly to a voicemail box

  • Transfer the call as you normally do with the number 5 prepended to the extension (eg. 54357)

Uniteme web interface bugs/known issues

The web interface in Uniteme offers many great features.  While we are excited to offer these to campus, we want to note that the interface has a few bugs.  The underlying log for setting your voicemail PIN is stable so we have offered access to the interface for this purpose.

  • Open phone.emu.edu in new tab

    • Symptom - if you open phone.emu.edu in a new tab you may see the message "Feature unavailable please contact your administrator."

    • Resolution - Click on the three bars, Logout. Then log back in.

No Valid App License

The Advanced Panelboxes for Confluence app license is not present or has expired. Please have the app's subscription reviewed or contact our support.

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