About the Campus Safety & Security Office

About the Campus Safety & Security Office

Daily responsibility for the EMU Safety and Security Office is managed by the Campus Safety and Security Coordinator whose office (Room 123) is located in the Campus Center at 1200 Park Road Harrisonburg VA. The office of Safety and Security can be contacted at 540-432-4396 during normal business hours, or 540-432-4911 for emergencies. 

EMU contracts with a private security company to provide security officers on-site of the main campus 24x7. The satellite campuses depend upon local law enforcement for security.

University representatives have the authority to ask for identification of individuals and determine whether they have lawful business on the campus. Designated university staff have the authority to issue parking tickets, which are billed to the accounts of students, faculty, and staff. Contract security officers do not possess arrest powers. Criminal incidents are referred to the local police who have jurisdiction on the campuses.

EMU has Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs) with the Harrisonburg Police Department and Virginia State Police, which define and establish procedures and practices for cooperation in the investigation of crimes and acts of violence on the main campus. The Safety and Security Office maintains a highly collaborative working relationship with the Harrisonburg Police Department, the Rockingham County Sheriff's Office, the Virginia State Police and the regional FBI Office. 

The office also maintains annual contact with the law enforcement agencies responsible for the satellite campuses. All witnesses and victims of crime are strongly encouraged to immediately report to the office of Safety and Security or the appropriate police agency. 

Prompt reporting will assure the safety of all campus community members, and expedite timely warning notices on campuses and the complete disclosure of crime statistics. EMU Safety and Security routinely conducts safety and security training with new employees. Topics covered include, emergency preparedness, fire safety, earthquake, tornado/severe weather, and active shooter training.

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