President's Cabinet

President's Cabinet

President’s Cabinet is comprised of the president, provost, associate provost, vice presidents and deans as well as representatives from key campus Advisory Groups and the assistant to the president. The president, provost, associate provost, vice presidents and deans are voting members of the cabinet. President’s cabinet works with the president to make administrative decisions for the university. Along with the president, voting members of the cabinet establish institutional policy and budget priorities.


The president is appointed by the EMU Board of Trustees. The term of office is four years, with the president being eligible for reappointment with periodic review/evaluation initiated by the board of trustees in accordance with the board's Presidential Assessment Policy.

The president is chief executive officer, has general supervision of EMU and is ultimately responsible for its development, program policies and personnel. The president shall endeavor to carry out the purpose and mission of the corporation as set by the Board of Trustees.

Executive Advisor to the President and Corporate Secretary to the Board of Trustees

The executive advisor to the president and corporate secretary, an annual appointment with periodic review/evaluation initiated by the president, coordinates all administrative responsibilities associated with the operation of the president’s office. The advisor manages the president’s office, including public and institutional events for which the president’s office is responsible, develops and monitors the president’s office and trustee budgets in consultation with the president and assists in the strategic planning process for the university. The advisor serves as liaison, when needed, for the president to faculty, staff, students, retirees and publics of the university.


The provost, an annual appointment with periodic review/evaluation initiated by the president, supervises the academic, student life, and finance divisions. The provost serves as the university's chief academic officer. The provost provides leadership in planning, directing and evaluating programs within the educational philosophy of the university. The provost serves as the senior corporate officer who acts on behalf of the president in his absence or as his representative when so designated.

School Deans

The school deans, annual appointments with periodic review/evaluation initiated by the provost, serve as the chief academic officers of EMU's three schools: the School of Theology, Humanities and Performing Arts, the School of Social Sciences and Professions, and the School of Sciences, Engineering, Art, and Nursing. Each dean provides leadership in planning, directing and evaluating the academic programs of the schools and recruiting, recommending and supervising the school's faculty and staff.

Dean of Students

The dean of students, an annual appointment with periodic review/evaluation initiated by the provost, is responsible for the co-curricular and developmental aspects of living and learning at Eastern Mennonite University, promoting the concept and expression of community and implementing a philosophy and system of counseling and confrontation designed to facilitate personal growth and the welfare of the student body. The vice president for student life supervises the directors of campus ministries, career services, counseling services, housing and residence life, health services, multicultural services, international student services, and student programs/orientation.

Associate Provost

The associate provost, an annual appointment with periodic review/evaluation initiated by the provost, provides leadership for the operation of EMU's instructional site in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. The associate provost collaborates with the school deans and the provost to provide leadership in planning, directing, and evaluating the academic programs of the schools that are offered through the Lancaster site.

Vice President for Advancement

The vice president for advancement, an annual appointment with periodic review/evaluation initiated by the president, is responsible to generate constituency program support, formulate funding plans and strategy, solicit funding resources and provide leadership for all marketing efforts of the university. The vice president for advancement supervises alumni/parent relations, development, foundation and corporate relations, and community relations.

Vice President for Innovation and Student Recruitment

The vice president for innovation and student recruitment, an annual appointment with periodic review/evaluation initiated by the president and approved by the trustees, is responsible to supervise university recruitment and financial assistance and to coordinate student retention activities. The vice president for enrollment and marketing supervises the directors of admissions and financial assistance.

Vice President for Finance

The vice president for finance, an annual appointment with periodic review/evaluation initiated by the provost, is responsible for the financial activity of the university, including budgetary preparation and control, treasury and investment activity, stewardship of resources and assistance in accounting and preparation of financial reports. The vice president for finance supervises the business office, financial assistance office, campus bookstore, human resources office, physical plant, rental properties and auxiliary services.

Vice President for Institutional Effectiveness and Strategic Planning

The vice president for institutional effectiveness and strategic planning, an annual appointment with periodic review/evaluation initiated by the provost and president, is responsible for the university's institutional research, assessment, accreditation and planning activities. The vice president oversees university strategic planning processes and ensures the alignment of divisional/school- and unit-level planning with institutional priorities. The vice president serves as the university's accreditation liaison officer with SACSCOC, and ensures that the university and its various programs meet the requirements of its regional and specialized accrediting agencies.

Senior Advisor to the President on Diversity & Inclusion

The senior advisor to the president on diversity & inclusion, an annual appointment with periodic review/evaluation initiated by the provost and president, is responsible to provide input and insight to the president on matters pertaining to advancing the university's diversity and inclusion policies and initiatives. The advisor, who is also a member of the standing Committee on Diversity and Inclusion (CODI), meets regularly with the president and draws upon her work in the role of director of multicultural student services in framing and interpreting the multicultural context of the campus as it informs decision-making.

Director of Athletics

The director of athletics, an annual appointment with periodic review/evaluation initiated by the provost and president, is responsible for the university's intercollegiate athletics program. The director oversees all athletics staff including coaches and assistant coaches. The director further represents the university in meetings of the Old Dominion Athletic Conference and with the NCAA.

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