Advisory Groups

Advisory Groups

Faculty Senate

Faculty Senate is comprised of 15 faculty members, three seminary/graduate faculty and twelve undergraduate faculty. A president is elected from among the faculty members. The faculty senate deals with academic policy and issues of the faculty. A representative from the faculty senate (usually the president) sits as a non-voting member on the President's Cabinet.

Staff Advisory Council

Staff Advisory Council is an elected group of seven staff chosen for limited terms by their peers from within the non-supervisory staff. The purpose of the council is to represent the greater staff body, by advocating for good employee practices, hearing and raising issues experienced by the staff across campus, and facilitating discussion and other supportive activities among members and teams within the staff. A member of the staff advisory council sits as a non-voting member on the President's Cabinet.

Staff Supervisory Council

Staff Supervisory Council is a role-based group for director- and supervisor-level staff. Its purpose is to support supervisors and budget managers with resources, training, and discussion related to their roles. It also serves as a conduit for effective communication to/from employees of this level from other stakeholders (administration, staff, HR), as well as with each other. A representative from the staff supervisory council sits as a non-voting member on the President's Cabinet.

The staff advisory and staff supervisory councils are designed to work in partnership, and give input and perspective to each other's work as well as collaborate on initiatives to benefit the staff community as a whole. Each group hosts representatives from the other council at its meetings, as well as a member of President's Cabinet.

President's Town Hall

A university-wide meeting of all faculty and staff is held approximately once each semester to provide information, discuss issues important to the university and potentially take action on recommendations for university-wide policy. Passage of motions requires affirmation by at least two-thirds of those in attendance.

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