Faculty Senate

Faculty Senate


The Faculty Senate deals with academic policy and issues of the faculty. See Constitution of the Faculty for further information.


provost (ex officio), 3-4 graduate faculty and 8-9 undergraduate faculty. Tenure and non-tenure track faculty, including part-time faculty, educator professionals, and librarians with faculty status will be eligible for election to the Faculty Senate. Candidates are eligible when they have been in their position for two years or more.

Faculty serve two-year terms


President is elected for two-year terms, following at least one year as president-elect. The secretary is chosen annually and the vice president is chosen bi-annually.


president or co-presidents elected by the faculty


The secretary will maintain minutes at Faculty Senate meetings as well as at Faculty Assembly meetings.


Meet at least once a month during each semester of the regular academic year and at least once during the summer months. Special meetings can be scheduled.

Elected Committee

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