BC.0.4 Enrollment Committee charter

BC.0.4 Enrollment Committee charter

Eastern Mennonite University
Board of Trustees
Enrollment Committee Charter

To oversee, monitor, and obtain Board approval of policies, plans, and initiatives that enable fulfillment of goals and objectives for admissions, retention, and financial aid and that support the mission, strategy, and proposes of the University.

Committee Membership
The committee shall consist of no fewer than three and no more than seven members, of whom a majority shall be trustees. The total shall be an odd number. A trustee shall serve as chair of the committee.
The committee shall meet at least three times per year, with regular reports to the full Board. The committee may, from time to time, schedule joint meetings with other standing committees of the Board.
The vice president for enrollment serves as staff and primary liaison to the committee and may, at his/her discretion, engage the involvement of other division staff. The administrative assistant for enrollment or a designee serves as recording secretary for the committee.

Committee Responsibilities
Ensure that the University's policies, plans, goals, and objectives for admissions, retention, and financial aid support the University's institutional mission: that admissions, retention, and financial aid policies and practices comply with state and federal regulations and guidelines and are consistent with the University's goals; and that resources dedicated to the admissions and financial aid offices are appropriate to support the University's strategic policies, plans and goals

The committee shall 1) review, monitor, and, where appropriate, seek Board approval of annual and long-term goals for admissions, financial aid, and retention that include class size, quality, diversity, students financial support, and net tuition revenue; 2) monitor the performance of the University's admissions, financial aid, and retention functions, taking into consideration the goals approved by the committee, the University's past performance, and the performance of peer institutions; 3) encourage the integration of the admissions, financial aid, and retention functions and the sharing of information with other areas of the University, including finance, academic affairs, and students life.

The committee shall provide the Board of Trustees with timely reports regarding the University's policies, plans, goals, and performance with respect to admissions, retention, and financial aid as well as with external trends related to these areas, and it shall present for action by the Board any recommendations regarding enrollment.

Review of Charter
This charter shall be reviewed and reassessed periodically by the Enrollment Committee, and any proposed changes shall be submitted to the Board of Trustees for approval.
Approved and Adopted: June 2015

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