BC.0.7 Seminary Committee Charter

BC.0.7 Seminary Committee Charter

Eastern Mennonite University
Board of Trustees
Seminary Committee Charter

The Seminary Committee is a standing committee established by resolution of the board and except as may be otherwise assigned, shall assist the board in exercising general oversight of the Seminary. 

Committee Membership
The Seminary Committee will consist of at least five trustees. The seminary dean serves as staff and primary liaison to the committee. The associate seminary dean attends committee meetings, reports on metrics in collaboration with the dean, and serves as recording secretary for the committee. 

Committee Responsibilities

  1. advise and assist the Seminary Dean and Associate Seminary Dean in preparation and review of policies related to the Seminary programs;
  2. review and provide counsel regarding proposed and existing Seminary instructional programs;
  3. review and provide counsel regarding the employment and promotions in rank for Seminary faculty;
  4. review and provide counsel regarding such matters pertaining to the quality of Seminary curriculum and instructional programs;
  5. serve as an advocate for Seminary education with regard to its unique character and mission;
  6. review and provide counsel regarding policy guidelines for interpreting the Seminary mission, for the presentation of public information, and for the securing of public feedback;
  7. serve as a planning reference group for Seminary long-range development;
  8. review reports of Seminary advancement and provide counsel as appropriate.
  9. In respect to the above, in the development and evaluation of policies and guidelines for the Seminary, consideration will be given to consistency with policies and guidelines affecting other EMU graduate programs.

Review of Charter
This charter shall be reviewed and reassessed periodically by the Seminary Committee, and any proposed changes shall be submitted to the Board of Trustees for approval.

Approved and Adopted: June 2015

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