BC.0.2 Academics Committee Charter

BC.0.2 Academics Committee Charter

Eastern Mennonite University
Board of Trustees
Academics Committee Charter

On behalf of the EMU Board of Trustees, the Academics Committee reviews academic priorities and programs, making recommendations to the full board on matters regarding EMU's academic mission, policies and resources needed to fulfill the mission, academic strategic priorities, the quality of EMU's academic programs, and academic freedom/integrity. The Academics Committee provides governance oversight of academic program development, review, accreditation, and discontinuance; student academic performance standards; tenure-track faculty appointments, promotion, and tenure decisions; major academic initiatives; and faculty teaching, scholarship, and service expectations.

Committee Membership
The Academics Committee will consist of at least five trustees. The provost, undergraduate dean and graduate dean serve as staff and primary liaison to the committee. The administrative assistant to the provost serves as recording secretary for the committee.

Primary Governance Role
The Academics Committee shall:

  • Ensure alignment between academic mission and strategic plans.
  • Ensure compliance with board policies and procedures.
  • Ensure that the academic budget reflects the university's mission and priorities.
  • Ensure that faculty personnel and academic policies comply with state and federal requirements, align with EMU's academic priorities, and are applied systematically and equitably across the university.
  • Ensure that the institution assesses the effectiveness of its academic programs.

Committee Responsibilities
The Academics Committee shall:

  1. Regularly review pertinent data to monitor academic programs.
  2. Review academic policies and, as appropriate, propose new or revised policies to the full board.
  3. Recommend action on proposals for new academic programs, or for discontinuing any academic programs.
  4. Recommend to the full board approval of tenure-track faculty appointments, tenure, and promotion.
  5. Review on an annual basis assessment data from the EMU core curriculum courses.
  6. Monitor information from periodic program reviews and accreditation processes.
  7. Review significant findings and recommendations received from the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges and other specialized accreditation agencies, ensuring that any recommendations and requirements are addressed appropriately within designated timeframes.
  8. Review academic key performance indicators.
  9. Serve as diligent and knowledgeable board members regarding academic programs and policies.
  10. Bring to the attention of the board any matters regarding the university's academic programs or faculty on which it requires guidance or direction from the board.
  11. Consider and advise on any matter referred to the committee by the board, the university president, or the provost.
  12. Perform other governance oversight as assigned by the board.

Review of Charter
This charter shall be reviewed periodically by the Academics Committee, and any proposed changes shall be submitted to the Board of Trustees for approval.

Adopted and approved, June 2015

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