BC.0.3 Advancement Committee Charter

BC.0.3 Advancement Committee Charter

Eastern Mennonite University
Board of Trustees
Advancement Committee

The advancement committee is a standing committee established by resolution of the board and shall assist the board in all areas relating to the advancement functions of EMU which include fund development, alumni and parent relations, and marketing/communications.

Committee Membership
The Advancement Committee will consist of at least three trustees. The vice president for advancement serves as staff and primary liaison to the committee and may, at his/her discretion, engage the involvement of other division staff. The administrative assistant for advancement serves as recording secretary for the committee.

Committee Responsibilities
The advancement committee shall:

  1. Ensure that the advancement policies and strategies (for fund development, alumni and parent relations, and marketing/communications) correlate with the mission, vision, and strategic plan of the university;
  2. Advise the vice president for advancement and his/her leadership team regarding fund development plans and strategies, and monitor progress toward achieving annual fundraising goals for the university fund, capital campaigns, planned giving, and endowment;
  3. Ensure that the board of trustees provides the university with philanthropic leadership to financially support the university and to assist the president and vice president for advancement in identifying and cultivating prospective donors;
  4. Establish and review fundraising policies (including gift acceptance and accounting policies) and procedures to ensure that ethical and professional standards are adhered to in keeping with industry standards;
  5. Advise the vice president for advancement and his/her leadership team regarding alumni and parent engagement plans and strategies, and monitor progress toward achieving annual goals for engaging the involvement and support of alumni and parents;
  6. Advise the vice president for advancement and his/her leadership team regarding marketing and communications plans and strategies, and monitor progress toward achieving annual goals for effective marketing of the university brand and key messages.

Review of Charter
This charter shall be reviewed and reassessed periodically by the Advancement Committee, and any proposed changes shall be submitted to the Board of Trustees for approval.

Approved and Adopted: June 2015

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