Faculty and Administrator Emeritus Policy

Faculty and Administrator Emeritus Policy

  1. All faculty and administrators who retire from Eastern Mennonite University and who have ten consecutive years of full-time service immediately prior to their retirement, may be awarded Emeritus recognition. 

  • Full professors may be awarded the title of Professor Emeritus. Faculty with Instructor, Assistant Professor or Associate Professor rank may be granted Faculty Emeritus status.

  • For president, provost, and dean, the designation shall be President Emeritus, Provost Emeritus, and Dean Emeritus.

2. Nominations for faculty emeritus titles may be initiated by a program director or academic dean. The nomination should include a recent cv. Nominations will be considered by Provost’s Council and forwarded with their recommendation to Faculty Status Committee for a vote.

Upon approval by Faculty Status Committee, the Provost shall bring recommendations for faculty emeritus status to the Board of Trustees for official action.

3. Nominations for administrator emeritus titles may be initiated by the administrator’s direct supervisor and forwarded to President’s Cabinet for a vote. The nomination should include a recent cv.

Upon approval by President’s Cabinet, recommendations for administrator emeritus status are forwarded to the Board of Trustees for official action. 

4. The presentation of a plaque with an appropriate inscription shall be made to the recipient in a ceremony recognizing the service of the individual to the University.

5. Emeriti shall be provided email service and library access will remain available to them. Attendance at campus activities is welcomed.

6. Faculty emeriti may occasionally teach courses on an as needed basis. If so, compensation will be at the adjunct rate.

7. Emeriti shall be listed in the catalog, and records are maintained in the administrative database in the president’s office. 

Responsible Party

The provost is responsible for this policy.

Policy Review

This policy is reviewed every three years.

Policy Distribution

Employee Handbook

Revised by Provost’s Council, April 30, 2024

Policies merged by Provost’s Council, February 1, 2022


Faculty Emeritus Policy:

Approved by the Board of Trustees, February 19, 1981

Updated for name change, February 1995

Revised draft submitted by Faculty Status Committee, October 1995

Approved by the Board of Trustees, November 1995

                                                                               Revised by Academic Cabinet, October 6, 2010

Revised by Provost’s Council, February 24, 2016

Revised by Provost’s Council, September 5, 2019


Administrator Emeritus Policy:

Adopted by the Executive Committee Board of Trustees, April 10, 1981

Updated for name change, February 1995

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