Field Trips

Field Trips

Faculty who wish to take groups of students, undergraduate and graduate, off campus for an educational experience should secure clearance by submitting the form "Field Trip Notification" to their program director at least two weeks before the trip. Expenses incurred through field trips are to be completely covered by charges to the students on the trip:

Following are the procedures:

A. All bus arrangements are to be made by the instructor. The student accounts office can provide the cost of the buses. Vans and cars should be reserved directly with the facilities management office.

B. Within 3 days after the trip, the instructor is to submit a copy of the class list (this includes I.D. numbers) to the student accounts office clearly indicating who is to be billed. If additional persons (spouses, staff, and other students) go along, those names should be added to the list for billing.

C. If a charter bus has been used, the instructor is to turn in the bill to the business office immediately following the trip.

See Field Trip Form

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