- Automatic Sprinkler Systems – A sprinkler system for fire protection made up of overhead piping designed in accordance with fire protection engineering standards to which automatic sprinklers are connected in a systematic pattern and usually activated by heat from a fire to discharge water over the fire area.
- AHJ – Authority Having Jurisdiction
- Building Wardens – EMU personnel who have building specific responsibilities in the event of emergencies such as fire; intruder/lockdown and weather emergency.
- DCFPC – District of Columbia Fire Prevention Code: Established for the purpose of establishing statewide standards to safeguard life and property from the hazards of fire or explosion arising from the improper maintenance of life safety and fire prevention and protection materials, devices, systems and structures and the unsafe storage, handling, and use of substances, materials and devices, including fireworks, explosives and blasting agents, wherever located.
- Emergency Communicator – Person who takes emergency phone calls via 911, dispatches and maintains open communications with responding emergency apparatus.
- Fire Official – Executive official in charge of enforcing the VSFPC. They shall be appointed in a manner selected by the local government having jurisdiction.
- Initiating Device – A system component that originates transmission of a change-of-state condition, such as a smoke detector, manual fire alarm box, or supervisory switch.
- kWh – Standard unit of electricity or consumption equal to 1000 watts over one hour and equivalent to about 3412 British thermal units (Btu).
- LGB – Local Governing Body having jurisdiction as to code enforcement.
- Manual Wet Standpipe System – A wet standpipe system connected to a water supply for the purpose of maintaining water within the system but which does not have supply capable of delivering the system demand attached to the system without the use of a fire department pumper (or the like) to be pumped into the system in order to supply the system demand.
- Multiple-station Alarm Device – Two or more single-station alarm devices that can be interconnected such that actuation of one causes all integral or separate audible alarms to operate. It also can consist of one single-station alarm device having connections to other detectors or to a manual fire alarm box.
- Multiple-station Smoke Alarm – Two or more single-station alarm devices that are capable of interconnection such that actuation of one causes all integral or separate audible alarms to operate.
- Right-To-Know Law – Federal law enacted in the 107th Congress that states: To provide for the disclosure of fire safety standards and measures with respect to campus buildings.
- Safety and Security Coordinator- serves as the safety/security authority for campus with responsibilities that include compliance with local and state fire codes, OSHA regulations, and other safety regulations and guidelines. This position supervises the contracted security services. Some other specific areas of safety and security are shared with other personnel such as the chemical hygiene officer, the director of residence life, the director of health services, the vice president for student life, and the vice president of finance.
- VSFPC - Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code - A state regulation promulgated by the Virginia Board of Housing and Community Development in cooperation with the Virginia Fire Services Board for the purpose of establishing statewide standards to safeguard life and property from the hazards of fire or explosion arising from the improper maintenance of life safety and fire prevention and protection materials, devices, systems and structures and the unsafe storage, handling, and use of substances, materials and devices, including fireworks, explosives and blasting agents, wherever located.
- Single-Station Smoke Alarm - An assembly incorporating the detector, the control equipment and the alarm sounding device in one unit, operated from a power supply either in the unit or obtained at the point of installation.
- UL - An independent product safety certification organization that has been testing products and writing standards for safety for more than a century. UL serves customers in 98 countries.
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