Office of Academic Access

Office of Academic Access

Web: emu.edu/academics/access/
Phone: (540) 432-4233

EMU students who have disabilities are served through the Office of Academic Access located in the Academic Success Center, Hartzler Library, 3rd floor. 

EMU promotes equal educational opportunities and full participation for persons with learning, emotional, physical, and other disabilities. Students are provided access through reasonable accommodations in the academic program. According to Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, “students with documented disabilities may request modifications, accommodations or auxiliary aids which will enable them to participate in and benefit from all post-secondary educational programs and activities.” This was confirmed and strengthened by the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and the ADA Amendment Act of 2008. Faculty and staff support individual students needing reasonable accommodations in the classroom due to documented disabilities. The faculty and staff also foster the development and use of strategies which promote independence and personal success.

Students with disabilities should initiate contact with the Office of Academic Access upon acceptance to EMU. Disclosure of a disability is voluntary. However, students need to identify their disabilities and provide appropriate documentation prior to receiving accommodations.  All documentation is confidential and is kept in the Office of Academic Access. Students who wish to appeal a decision on their accommodations may use the University Conflict and Grievance Policy procedures located in the President’s Office or the Student Life Office.

Students without documentation of a disability who exhibit indicators of learning or attention disorders are encouraged to make an appointment with the Office of Academic Access. Referrals for a professional evaluation can be made to community assessment resources, if needed.

Make an appointment with the Office of Academic Access by calling (540) 432-4233 or (540) 432-4254.

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