Teaching Learning Committee

Teaching Learning Committee


The committee supports faculty professional learning and self-efficacy related to evidence-based, student-centered, inclusive learning and teaching practices. This committee seeks to promote student learning, success, and excellence by supporting faculty development. Creativity and innovation are encouraged, seek teaching excellence, practice critical reflection, and seek greater empathy and understanding of our students and ourselves. We recognize the important role of self-efficacy and learning to human flourishing and well being. The primary purpose of this committee is to support faculty development related to inclusive and equitable teaching and learning. The goal will be to to increase access to resources and activities focused on the socio-cultural aspects of teaching and learning. This will include raising awareness of and implementation of student-centered pedagogies. The committee will advocate for more resources for faculty professional development in the areas of teaching and learning. 


To advocate for faculty professional development through various initiatives and venues (Professional Learning Communities, workshops, etc.) to:

  • implement effective student-centered pedagogies and instructional tools.
  • advocate for an anti-racist perspective.
  • increase faculty understanding of and empathy for a diverse student body.
  • disseminate and archive teaching and learning resources for faculty access.
  • connect faculty and administrators with off-campus resources (conferences, workshops, resources) to aid teaching.
  • promote the effective application of instructional technology systems (eg. tools, LMS platforms, etc.) as well as encourage innovation in this area.

To act as a liaison to various groups and initiatives on campus related to teaching and learning excellence to:

  • engage faculty in pedagogical discourse and reflection
  • advocate for the creation of a center for resources and collaboration of learning among EMU faculty
  • collaborate with teaching and learning focused work of the Academic Success Center.
  • communicate committee initiatives to the campus community as appropriate,
  • collaborate with others on campus, specifically but not exclusively:
    • executive director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
    • director of libraries
    • student life professional educators
    • faculty senate


faculty coordinator of Center for Teaching and Learning
academic dean
director of academic success center
at least one faculty representative teaching in UG/G from each of the three schools
information systems representative


Executive director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Faculty representatives from each school serve two-year terms


Co-chairs: faculty coordinator of Center for Teaching and Learning and academic dean


Reports to Provost 


Will meet at least once a month during the Fall and Spring Semesters. 

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