Gift Card Policy

Gift Card Policy

See also Business Meals-Gifts Policy

Gifts cards are considered taxable compensation by the IRS, and are difficult to track from an auditing standpoint. The Business Office strongly recommends avoiding the purchase of gift cards.

Gift cards may only be purchased for employees if specifically approved by the Business Office and the VP/Dean of the department issuing the cards. Any cards that are purchased must meet EMU gift policies, and should be reported to the Business Office using the Gift Card Listing Sheet (found with other Business Office forms on MyEMU). Gift cards may only be given to EMU employees, and taxes will be withheld on the gifts through payroll. 

Gift cards may not be given as honoraria for guest speakers, or as a form of payment, and may not be given to students as gifts since EMU has no mechanism for reporting or withholding taxes on these gifts. Please use a request for payment form to issue payment in these situations. 

Gift cards may be issued as prizes or awards from raffles under certain circumstances and require pre-approval from the Business Office. Gift cards awarded to prize/raffle winners must also be reported to the Business Office with the Gift Card Listing Sheet.

Responsible Party

The vice president for finance is responsible for this policy.

Policy Review

This policy shall be reviewed every three (3) years.


This policy shall be distributed via the Faculty/Staff Handbook

Approved by VP for Finance, January 2021

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