Crisis Management Preparedness Team (CMPT)

Crisis Management Preparedness Team (CMPT)


Prepare and update an ongoing crisis preparedness plan, including communications protocols
and simulations/drills, to prepare for and respond to various types of crises that may occur at
institutions of higher education.


Committee members seek input from faculty and staff in their various departments, and provide input to the committee for recommendations, policies, and procedures. Some policies and procedures affect the entire institution and may be brought to the Academic Cabinet and President's Cabinet for consideration and formal action.


Members invited by the president in consultation with president's cabinet:
vice president for finance, coordinator of campus safety & security, information systems director, counseling center director, academic dean, executive advisor to the president, dean of students, director of human resources, communications representative, director of health services, director of housing and residence life, director of facilities management, director of auxiliary services


VP for Finance


Communication flows to the University from the chair via written minutes that are copied to the
president and provost and by periodic e-mail and paper communications. Emergency
communications occur via the EMU alerts system (text messages, network access control,
critical incident alerts on the webpage, etc.). Public emergency protocols are regularly updated
on the web by the marketing and communications department.


At least monthly during the school year with possibility of additional summer and sub-committee meetings as needed.

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