District of Columbia Laws

District of Columbia Laws

Age Limit:

The District age limit for consumption, purchase, or possession of alcoholic beverages is 21 years of age. An exception for employees under age 21 exists which allows one to possess alcoholic beverages if it is necessary to perform lawful employment responsibilities. It is unlawful to falsely represent one's age or possess or present false identification in order to purchase alcoholic beverages or for the purpose of entering an establishment that sells liquor.

Thus, the language and structure of the ABC Act, as well as its legislative history, lead us to conclude that the possession of alcoholic by a person under twenty-one is punishable only by a civil fine as described in D.C. Code § 25-130 (b-2) and suspension of driving privileges under D.C. Code § 25-130 (c), and is not a criminal offense. In response to this decision, in July of 2004 the DC Council adopted emergency legislation making possession or drinking when under age 21 a civil as opposed to a criminal offense. This is codified at D.C. Code Ann. § 25-1002 (c) (4)(D)

False representation of age and fraudulent use of an ID are still misdemeanors under the code. 

Violations of these laws will subject one to a fine of not more than $300 and to revocation of driving privileges in the District for 90 days upon the first offense, $600 and 180 days for the second, and $1,000 and one (1) year for a third violation. For the penalties and further treatment see D.C. Code Ann. § 25-1002.
See 18 U.S.C. § 1028 for federal criminal penalties in connection with a false ID.

No licensee may permit minors to sell, give, furnish or distribute any alcoholic beverages. However, an individual at least 18 years old may sell, serve, or deliver the beverages on a licensed premise, but may not serve as a bartender. A bartender is defined as one who fixes, mixes, makes, or concocts the alcoholic beverages. See D.C. Code Ann. §§ 25-784(a) and (b).

Recordkeeping is required. DC Code 25-773.

Penalties for license violations regarding proof of age:

A first violation will result in a fine between $1,000 and $2,000, or a suspended license for 10 consecutive days. A second violation will result in a fine between $2,000 and $4,000 and a suspended license for 20 consecutive days. Upon a third violation, a fine between $4,000 and $10,000 will be issued and a suspended license for 30 days, or a revocation of the license. The Alcohol Beverage Control Division will post a notice on the premises regarding any suspension or revocation of a license and the reason for it. See D.C. Code Ann. §§ 25-1002(d) and (e).

Operation of motor vehicles, etc.:

One may not be intoxicated and operate a train (as conductor or brakeman), streetcar, elevator, watercraft, or horse drawn vehicle. Penalties include a fine of no more than $300, imprisonment for no longer than three (3) months, or both. See D.C. Code Ann. § 25-1009. 

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