Voter Registration

Voter Registration

Federal legislation requires colleges and universities to make voter registration information available to degree-seeking students studying on their campuses. Accordingly, a link to the official online voter registration form will be provided on myEMU Academics by the University Registrar’s Office in order for students to meet state filing deadlines.

While students who are a citizen of any state may use this form to register to vote in their home state, persons who are not U.S. citizens must not submit this form – doing so may cause serious difficulties with visa status.

EMU is providing this information in compliance with federal stipulations, but recognizes the responsibility of each student to decide whether to register to vote.  Students who do wish to register should keep in mind that an individual states’ deadline to register to vote may fall far in advance of election day, and should submit their registration forms in time to meet these deadlines.

Please contact Travis Trotter, University Registrar at 540-432-4085 or travis.trotter@emu.edu if you have any questions.

Persons interested in coordinating voter registration activities are encouraged to contact the Student Life Division.

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