Programs Offered

Programs Offered

Initial Endorsement Areas

Early/Primary Education, PreK-3

Elementary Education, PreK-6

Biology, 6-12

Chemistry, 6-12

Computer Science, 6-12

English, 6-12

English as a Second Language, PreK-12

Health and Physical Education, PreK-12

History and Social Science, 6-12

Mathematics, 6-12

Foreign Language: Spanish, PreK-12

Music Education:     Vocal/Choral, PreK-12

                                    Instrumental, PreK-12

Visual Arts, PreK-12

Add-on Endorsement Areas

PreK-6 Special Education


Para-Professional Program

Para-professional, teacher assistant PreK-3

M.A. in Education Initial Endorsement Area

Teaching English as a Second Language, PreK-12

Education Studies Minor

Minor in addition to any degree program

M.A. in Education Initial Endorsement Area

Teaching English as a Second Language, PreK-12

The Council of Higher Education in Virginia authorized the teacher education program on May 9, 1995 to enroll students in Master's-level course work. Formal enrollment in EMU's Master of Arts in Education program began January 1996.

Program course requirements for each teacher education program can be found in the Eastern Mennonite University Undergraduate Catalog. EMU students enrolled in each teacher education program are in regular contact with K-12 students through placements in the schools, beginning in the first year. Travel expenses incurred for these field experiences, including student teaching, are your responsibility. Practicum honoraria incurred for field experiences and other supplemental course materials are billed by the EMU business office. A complete list of course fees is found in Appendix F. All fees are set by COTE.

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