Course Substituted by CLEP/DSST Examinations

Course Substituted by CLEP/DSST Examinations

Courses that can be substituted by CLEP/DSST examinations with passing scores:


Education majors should complete all testing requirements prior to student teaching

BIOL 155 Biological Explorations

  CLEP Biology............................................................ passing score: 50

ENVS 135 Earth Science

  DSST Introduction to Geology:..................................................... 400


ENVS 145 Environmental Science

  DSST Environmental Science:.......................................................... 46


HE 202 Health & Safety

  DSST Health and Human Development ................................... 400

HIST 132 US History: 1865 to Present  

  CLEP History of the United States II............................................. 50


PSYC 202 Developmental Psychology

  CLEP Human Growth & Development........................................ 50

  DSST Lifespan Developmental Psychology................................ 46





EMU Math Courses and CLEP/DSST Exams

Courses that can be substituted by CLEP/DSST examinations with passing scores:



CLEP/DSST exam(s) (Score)

EMU Course Substitution (including AP credits) for Strong Math Students

MATH 114 College Algebra

DSST Fundamentals of College Algebra (400);

CLEP College Algebra (50)

Any Calculus course;

MATH 350 Linear Algebra

MATH 134 Finite Math: Logic and Problem Solving


MATH 136 Finite Math: Number Theory Probability

CLEP College Mathematics (50)

MATH 170 Discrete Math

STAT 120 Descriptive Statistics

DSST Principles of Statistics (400)

MATH 240 Statistics for the Natural Sciences

MATH 120 Math for Social Decision Making

No CLEP available

No course substitution available

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