Tips for Transfer Students

Tips for Transfer Students

1. Go over your evaluation of transfer credit with your advisor to make certain that you will be taking needed general education courses or needed prerequisite courses. 

2. Attend the transfer orientation meeting your first semester on campus with the Undergraduate Teacher Education Program Director (September or January).

3. Plan on the possibility of taking a summer course or two in order to get into proper sequence for courses, which may be offered only in the fall or spring semesters.

4. Transfer students from two-year institutions, particularly those with 62 accepted semester credits, should use every opportunity to take upper-level courses to fulfill the Liberal Arts major requirements.

5. Note the transfer student’s checklist (appendix C) and evaluate your status in the teacher education program. To ensure that your plans to student teach and graduate are not delayed, please complete those steps leading to admission to teacher education by the end of your first semester. 

6. Consult with your education (& content major) advisor(s) to ensure successful completion of EMU's teacher education program.

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