ESF 16 - Military Affairs

ESF 16 - Military Affairs

Emergency Support Function (ESF) #16

Military Support



Primary Agency


Emergency Management


Secondary/Support Agencies








The Governor of Virginia is the Commander-in-Chief of all forces in the Commonwealth organized under the Department of Military Affairs (DMA). The Adjutant General (TAG) of Virginia is the military commander.


The DMA staffs its Joint Force Headquarters (JFHQ). Within the JFHQ is the Joint Operations Center (JOC) that is operational 24/7. The Virginia Army National Guard, Virginia Air National Guard, and the Virginia Defense Force are three components that JFHQ-VA draw forces from to fulfill requests for assistance.


ESF #16 (Military Support) will not be staffed but rather exists as a coordinating entity. Coordination will occur between the Coordinators of Emergency Management and the response assets on specifics as it relates to duties assigned.




Harrisonburg/Rockingham County do not have military instillations within the jurisdictions and do not maintain stand-alone agreements with military assets.


The Department of Military Affairs maintains situational awareness, plans, coordinates, and employs forces for homeland security and homeland defense in order to respond to any incidents within the Commonwealth. On order of the Governor, DMA will assist civil authorities in protecting life and property, preserving peace, maintaining order and public safety, and relieving suffering.




DMA units will not directly respond to requests for assistance from local officials except to save human life, prevent human suffering, or to prevent great damage to or destruction of property. DMA units will advise local officials to submit requests for assistance through the VEOC.

Military assets are only available during a state of emergency issued by the Governor or the President.


Concept of Operations


The EOC will request a capability or need from the VEOC as outlined in EOC procedures and ESF #7 (Resource Support). Request for military support should specify the type of assistance required (law enforcement/crowd control, medical, engineering, transportation, etc.) and minimum equipment needed.


It is at the determination of the VEOC if DMA assets are best suited for the requested task. Assets will be limited to only accept missions or work assignments within the original scope of deployment.


Support cannot be transferred to another agency without prior approval.

Once military assets have been committed, those responding will coordinate directly with local official to accomplish the objectives.


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