Appendix 3 - Authorities and References

Appendix 3 - Authorities and References

Appendix 3 – Authorities and References



The organizational and operational concepts set forth in the plan are promulgated under the following authorities:


1. Federal


The Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, Public Law 93-288, as amended.


National Response Framework, 2019


The Homeland Security Act



2. State


Title 44-146.28, Code of Virginia, as amended.





1. Central Shenandoah Planning District. (2020). All-Hazard Mitigation Plan


2. City of Harrisonburg. (2013). Business Continuity Plan


3. City of Harrisonburg. (2009). Hazardous Materials Response Plan

Updated 2021


4. Commonwealth of Virginia. (2008) Emergency Coordinator’s Handbook