ESF 14 - Long Term Community Recovery and Mitigation

ESF 14 - Long Term Community Recovery and Mitigation

Emergency Support Function (ESF) #14

Long-Term Community Recovery and Mitigation



Primary Agency


Harrisonburg/Rockingham Department of Community Development

Emergency Management

Economic Development


Secondary/Support Agencies


Rockingham County Department of Planning and Community Development

Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development

Central Shenandoah Health District

Virginia Department of Health

American Red Cross

Harrisonburg/Rockingham Disaster Recovery Task Force

Virginia Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster (VVOAD)






Emergency Support Function #14 (Long Term Community Recovery and Mitigation) develops a comprehensive and coordinated recovery process that will bring about the prompt and orderly restoration of community facilities and services, infrastructure, and the economic base, while providing for the health, welfare and safety of the population.




ESF #14 support may vary depending on the magnitude and type of incident and the potential for long term and severe consequences. ESF #14 will address significant long-term impacts in the affected area on housing, business and employment, community infrastructure, and social services.




Long term community recovery and mitigation efforts are forward looking, and market based, focusing on permanent restoration of infrastructure, housing and the local economy, with attention to mitigation of future impacts of a similar nature when feasible.


  • Use the post-incident environment as an opportunity to measure the effectiveness of previous community recovery and mitigation efforts.

  • Facilitate the application of loss reduction building science expertise to the rebuilding of critical infrastructure; and


Personnel will stay up to date with policies and procedures through training and education.


Concept of Operations




The recovery phase is characterized by two components: the emergency response phase which deals primarily with lifesaving and emergency relief efforts (i.e., emergency food, medical, shelter, and security services): and the broader recovery and reconstruction component which deals with more permanent and long-term redevelopment issues.


Although all local departments are involved in both components, the emphasis and focus changes among departments as they shift from one component to the other. In the emergency response and relief recovery component, the primary local departments involved include fire and rescue, law enforcement agencies, health, social services, education, and public works departments; whereas in the recovery and reconstruction component, the emphasis shifts to City of Harrisonburg and Rockingham County departments dealing with housing and redevelopment, public works, economic development, land use, zoning and government financing. The two components will be occurring simultaneously with the emergency relief component taking precedence in the initial stages of recovery, and the recovery and reconstruction component receiving greater attention as the recovery process matures.


The Harrisonburg and/or Rockingham County Department of Emergency Management will be the lead coordinating department in the life saving and emergency relief component of the recovery process and the City of Harrisonburg and Rockingham County administration will take the coordinating lead during the reconstruction phase.


The recovery analysis process is comprised of the following phases: reentry, needs assessment, damage assessment, the formulation of short- and long-term priorities within the context of basic needs and available resources, and the identification and implementation of appropriate restoration and development strategies to fulfill priorities established, as well as bring about an effective recovery program.


The damage assessment process for the locality is in the Damage Assessment Support Annex of the EOP. Team leaders for the Damage Assessment Teams have been identified and the necessary forms included within this support annex. Although damage assessment is primarily a local government responsibility, assistance is provided by state and federal agencies, as well as private industry that have expertise in specific functional areas such as transportation, agriculture, forestry, water quality, housing, etc.


The process to request and receive federal assistance will be the same as all other natural or man-made disasters. The Virginia Department of Emergency Management will be the coordinating state agency in the recovery process, and FEMA will be the coordinating federal agency. Utilizing the preliminary damage assessment information collected, short-term and long-term priorities are established, and recovery strategies developed in coordination with other state agencies, City of Harrisonburg and Rockingham County government, the federal government, and private industry.


Short –term recovery strategies would include:


  • Emergency Management

  • Communications networks

  • Transportation networks and services

  • Potable water systems

  • Sewer systems

  • Oil and natural gas networks

  • Electrical power systems

  • Initial damage assessment

  • Emergency debris removal

  • Security of evacuated or destroyed area; and

  • Establishing a disaster recovery center and joint field office


Long-term strategies strive to restore and reconstruct the post-disaster environment to pre-existing conditions. Federal and state agencies may provide technical assistance to localities in the long-term planning and redevelopment process. Economic aid will be provided to assist localities and states in rebuilding their economic base, replacing and restoring their housing inventory, and ensuring that all construction and development complies with building codes and plans. Regional cooperation and coordination will be stressed and promoted at all levels of government in order to achieve the priorities established and facilitate recovery efforts. The City of Harrisonburg and Rockingham County will develop strategies in coordination with local governments and Economic Planning Councils. Federal and state catastrophic disaster plans will support this effort. Items or action to be focused on in this phase include:


  • Completion of the damage assessment

  • Completion of the debris removal

  • Repairing/rebuilding the transportation system

  • Repairing/rebuilding of private homes and businesses; and

  • Hazard Mitigation projects.



The Director of Emergency Management will direct response, recovery, and reconstruction efforts in the disaster impacted areas, in coordination with the Coordinator of Emergency Management, all local departments, and the appropriate state and federal agencies.


A Presidential Declaration of Disaster will initiate the following series of events:


Federal Coordinating Officer will be appointed by the President to coordinate the federal efforts.


State Coordinating officer will be appointed by the Governor to coordinate state efforts.


A Joint Field Office (JFO) will be established within the state (central to the damaged area) from which the disaster assistance programs will be coordinated; and


A Disaster Recovery Center (DRC) will be established in the affected areas to accommodate persons needing individual assistance after they have registered with FEMA.


A Presidential Declaration of Disaster may authorize two basic types of disaster relief assistance:


Individual Assistance – Supplementary Federal Assistance provided under the Stafford Act to individuals and families adversely affected by a major disaster or emergency. Such assistance may be provided directly by the Federal government or through the Commonwealth of Virginia or the City of Harrisonburg and Rockingham County or disaster relief organizations.


Public Assistance – Supplementary Federal Assistance provided under the Stafford Act to Virginia and the City of Harrisonburg and Rockingham County government or certain private, non-profit organizations other than assistance for the direct benefit of families and individuals.


As potential applicants for Public Assistance, the City of Harrisonburg and Rockingham County and private nongovernmental agencies must thoroughly document disaster-related expenses from the onset of an incident.


Mitigation has become increasingly important to local officials who must bear the agony of loss of life and property when disaster strikes. The Director of Emergency Management will take the lead in determining mitigation projects needed following a disaster and make applications for available mitigation grants.







In cooperation with other ESFs, as appropriate, use hazard predictive modeling and loss estimation methodology to ascertain vulnerable critical facilities as a basis for identifying recovery priorities.


Gather information to assess the scope and magnitude of the social and economic impacts on the affected region.


Coordinate and conduct recovery operations.


Conduct initial damage assessment.


Coordinate early resolution of issues and delivery of assistance to minimize delays for recipients.


Coordinate assessment of accuracy and recalibration of existing hazard risk, and evacuation modeling.


Facilitate sharing of information and identification of issues among agencies and ESFs.


Facilitate recovery decision making across ESFs.


Facilitate awareness of post incident digital mapping and pre-incident hazard mitigation and recovery planning.


Document expenses.




Develop plans for post-incident assessment that can be scaled to incidents of varying types and magnitudes.


Establish procedures for pre-incident planning and risk assessment with post incident recovery and mitigation efforts.


Develop action plans identifying appropriate agency participation and resources available that take into account the differing technical needs for risk assessment and statutory responsibilities by hazards.


Ensure participation from primary and supporting agencies.


Lead planning efforts.


Lead post-incident assistance efforts; and


Identify areas of collaboration with support agencies and facilitate interagency integration.




Emergency Support Function #14 – Attachment 1







Team Leader: TBD based on availability of personnel



Team Leader: Building Inspection Office


Team Leader: Building Inspection Office/County Fire Marshall


Team Leader: Public Works/Public Utilities



Team Leader: City Engineering (Harrisonburg)

Building Official (Rockingham County)



Team Leader: Parks and Recreation



Team Leader: Public Works


Team Leader: VA Department of Transportation














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