ESF 4 - Fire

ESF 4 - Fire

Emergency Support Function (ESF) #4

Fire Fighting



Primary Agency


Harrisonburg Fire Department

Rockingham County Department of Fire & Rescue (includes volunteer fire companies)


Secondary/Support Agencies


Merck Emergency Services

Shenandoah Valley Regional Airport (SHD)

Bridgewater Airport (VBW)

Virginia Department of Forestry

US Forest Service






Emergency Support Function #4 (Firefighting) directs and controls operations regarding fire prevention, fire detection, fire suppression, rescue and hazardous materials incidents; as well as to assist with warning and alerting, communications, evacuation, and other operations as required during the emergency.




ESF #4 manages and coordinates firefighting activities including the detection and suppression of fires, and provides personnel, equipment, and supplies to support the agencies involved in the firefighting process.




Priority is given to protecting the safety of the public, firefighters, other first responders, and then protecting property (in that order).


More efficient and effective fire suppression mutual aid may be required from various local fire departments. This requires the use of the Incident Command System together with compatible equipment and communications.


Personnel will stay up to date with procedures through education and training.

Concept of Operations




The Harrisonburg Fire Department and Rockingham County Fire Departments are prepared to assume primary operational control in fire prevention strategies, fire suppression, and hazardous material incidents. (See the Hazardous Material Emergency Response Plan – under separate cover) Fire Department personnel who are not otherwise engaged in emergency response operations will assist other local agencies in warning and alerting the public, evacuation, and communications as is necessary and appropriate during an emergency situation.

When the Emergency Support Function is activated requests for firefighting support will, in most cases, be submitted to the 9-1-1 Center for coordination, validation, and/or action.


The Director of Emergency Management or his/her designee will determine the need to evacuate large areas and will issue orders for evacuation or other protective action as needed. However, the incident commander may order an immediate evacuation prior to requesting or obtaining approval, if in his/her judgment this action is necessary in order to safeguard lives and property. Should an evacuation become necessary, the warning and instructions will be communicated through the appropriate means. In addition, when possible, law enforcement will use mobile loudspeakers or bullhorns, or go door to door to spread the warning. Also, the ECC shall activate the local Emergency Alert System to advise citizens of the specifics of the evacuation notice.


During an evacuation in which a large number of citizens are sheltered, the City of Harrisonburg and Rockingham County Fire Departments may coordinate, with EFS #6 (Mass Care/Housing/ and Human Resources) and ESF #8 (Public Health and Medical Services) for the positioning of an onsite EMS basic life support unit to support the shelter operation.




A fire representative will be assigned to the EOC in order to coordinate the fire service response. The fire representative will be a part of the EOC staff and will assist with the coordination of emergency operations.


The Fire Department will implement evacuations and law enforcement will assist and provide security for the evacuated area. In the event of a hazardous materials incident, the Incident Commander should implement immediate protective actions to include evacuation or shelter in place as appropriate.







Develop and maintain plans and procedures to provide fire and rescue services in time of emergency.


Check firefighting, communications, and other equipment.


Designated Fire Service representatives should report to the EOC to assist with operations.


Follow established procedures in responding to fires and hazardous materials incidents and in providing rescue services; and


Request mutual aid, through appropriate channels, from neighboring jurisdictions.


Document expenses and continue for the duration of the emergency.





  • Fire prevention and suppression

  • Emergency medical treatment

  • Hazardous materials incident response and training

  • Radiological monitoring and decontamination

  • Assist with evacuation

  • Search and rescue

  • Temporary shelter for evacuees at each fire station

  • Assist in initial warning and alerting

  • Provide qualified representative to assist in the EOC

  • Request assistance from supporting agencies when needed

  • Arrange direct liaison with fire chiefs in the area

  • Implement Mutual Aid with other departments


Emergency Support Function #4 – Attachment 1




THIS AGREEMENT , made and entered into this _______day of ______________, 20xx, by and between the City/County of _____________________________, hereinafter called the party of the first part and the City/County of ___________________________, hereinafter called the party of the second part,



WHEREAS, each of the parties hereto maintains equipment and personnel for the suppression of fires within its own jurisdiction and areas; and

WHEREAS, the parties hereto desire to augment the fire protection available in their jurisdiction; and

WHEREAS, the land and areas of the parties hereto adjacent or continuous so that mutual assistance in a fire emergency is deemed feasible; and

WHEREAS, it is mutually deemed sound, desirable, practicable, and beneficial for the parties to this agreement to render assistance to one another in accordance with these terms:


1. The party of the first part agrees with the party of the second part:

a. That the party of the first part shall respond to all requests for mutual aid with a minimum of one Engine Company.

2. The party of the second part agrees with the party of the first part:

a. That the party of the second part shall respond to all requests for mutual aid with a minimum of one Engine Company.

3. The rendering of assistance under the terms of this agreement shall not be mandatory, but the party receiving the request for assistance shall immediately inform the requesting party if, for any reason, assistance cannot be rendered.

4. Each party to this agreement waives all claims against the other party for compensation for any loss, damage, personal injury, or death occurring in consequence of the performance of this agreement.

5. All services performed under this agreement shall be rendered with reimbursement from either party.

6. The Chiefs of the Fire Departments of the parties to this agreement are authorized and directed to meet and draft any detailed plans and procedures of operations necessary to effectively implement this agreement.

7. Supervision and control of joint services shall be in accordance with Section 27-23.9 of the Code of Virginia (1950, as amended).

8. This agreement shall be in effect for a period of one year, beginning on the date hereof, but shall be automatically renewed for successive like periods of one year each.




____________________________ _________________________ By: _________________________ By: _______________________

Title: ________________________ Title: ______________________


Date: _____________________________ Date: ______________________


Approved as to form: Approved as to form:


___________________________ ___________________________ City/County Attorney City/County Attorney




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