ESF 7 - Resources Support

ESF 7 - Resources Support

Emergency Support Function (ESF) #7

Resource Support ________________________________________________


Primary Agency


Harrisonburg Department of Finance and Purchasing

Rockingham County Department of Finance


Secondary/Support Agencies


American Red Cross

Emergency Management

Department of Public Works

Department of Social Services

Virginia Department of Emergency Management






Emergency Support Function #7(Resource Support) will identify, procure, inventory, and distribute critical resources, in coordination with other local and state governments, the federal government, private industry, and volunteer organizations, to effectively respond to and recover from the effects of a disaster. ESF #7 functions with the Logistics Support Annex.




ESF #7 provides support for requirements not specifically identified in other ESFs. Resource support may continue until the disposition of excess and surplus property is completed.




The initial emergency response will be dependent upon local public and private resources.


Adequate local resources do not exist to cope with a catastrophic incident.


Identified public and private sector resources will be available when needed for emergency response.


Necessary personnel and supplies will be available to support emergency resource response.


If local resources are depleted, assistance may be requested through the VEOC.


The City of Harrisonburg and Rockingham County departments and agencies will use their own resources and equipment during incidents and will have control over the management of the resources as needed to respond to the situation.


The Coordinator of Emergency Management will initiate the commitment of the resources from outside government with operational control being exercised by the on-site commander of the service requiring that resource. All resource expenditures will be properly documented.


Concept of Operations




The Deputy Director of Emergency Management will identify sites, and facilities that will be used to receive process and distribute equipment, supplies and other properties that will be sent to the disaster area. The necessary equipment, staff, communications, and security support to these facilities and sites will be provided by local, state, federal governments, volunteer organizations, and the City of Harrisonburg Police Department and Rockingham County Sheriff’s Office. This process must be closely coordinated with state and federal emergency management officials, the City of Harrisonburg and Rockingham County and adjacent localities, and the media.


The City/County department directors will be responsible for securing and providing the necessary resource material and expertise in their respective areas, through public as well as private means, to perform their duties efficiently and effectively in the event of an emergency. Resource lists will be developed and maintained that detail the type, location, contact arrangements, and acquisition procedures of the resources identified as being critical. Mutual aid agreements will be developed and maintained with adjacent jurisdictions, private industry, quasi-public groups, and volunteer groups, as appropriate, to facilitate the acquisition of emergency resources and assistance.


The Director of Emergency Management and the Coordinator of Emergency Management, in coordination with the City/County Attorney(s), Finance Director, and Human Resources Director, will assist City/County departments in the procurement of the necessary resources, to include the contracting of specialized services and the hiring of additional personnel, to effectively respond to and recover from the emergency at hand. Records of all expenditures relating to the emergency/disaster will be maintained.


Potential sites for local and regional resource distribution centers will be identified, if necessary, and strategically located to facilitate recovery efforts. Priorities will be set regarding the allocation and use of available resources.



All departments will be responsible for identifying essential resources in their functional area to successfully carry out their mission of mitigating against, responding to, and recovering from the devastating effects of disasters that could occur within their jurisdiction. All departments will coordinate their resource needs with the local finance director and procurement official.


The Director of Social Services, assisted by public relief organizations, will oversee coordinating the relief effort to meet the immediate needs of the affected population in terms of food, water, housing, medical, and clothing. (See ESF #6 and #11).




Identify essential resources to carry out missions in each functional area and to support the operation of critical facilities during the disaster.


Designate local department(s) responsible for resource management.


Develop contingency plans to provide emergency lighting, procure and distribute emergency water, and provide sewage disposal if necessary.


Identify personnel requirements and training needs to effectively carry out mission tasks.


Develop resource lists that detail type, location, contact arrangements, and acquisition procedures for critical resources.


Prepare mutual aid agreements with surrounding jurisdictions to augment local resources.


Review compatibility of equipment of local departments and surrounding jurisdictions and identify specialized training or knowledge required to operate equipment.


Develop SOP’s to manage the processing, use, fueling, inspection, maintenance, and return of resources coming into the area.


Identify actual or potential facilities and ensure they are ready and available to receive, store, and distribute resources (government, private, donated).


Develop training/exercises to test plan, and to ensure maximum use of available resources.


Coordinate and develop pre-scripted announcements with ESF #15 (External Affairs) regarding potential resource issues and instructions (e.g., types of resources required, status of critical resource reserves, recommended contingency actions, etc.).


Contract with federal and state agencies, as well as private industry for additional resources, equipment, and personnel, if necessary.




Locate, procure, and issue resources to other agencies to support the emergency response or to promote public safety.


Locate and coordinate the use of available space for incident management activities.


Coordinate and determine the availability and provision of consumable supplies.


Maintain records of all expenditures relating to the emergency/disaster.


Emergency Support Function #7 – Attachment 1





To monitor the local situation, it is necessary to have a listing of the major suppliers and users of those resources considered to be essential to the health, welfare, and economic wellbeing of the local citizens. Information obtained from these major suppliers and users will be used to estimate the impact of shortages on the economy and health of the local community. Information for major food retailers, fuel storage, food processing plants, gas/oil pipelines, communications facilities, and water bottlers can be found in the EOP companion manual.


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