Incident Annexes - Terrorism - Copy

Incident Annexes - Terrorism - Copy

Incident Annexes – Terrorism Incident/Law Enforcement & Investivations





To establish open-ended plans and procedures to respond to a terrorist act involving chemical, biological, nuclear, radiological, or explosive (CBRNE) weapons or protection against a terrorist attack involving CBRNE weapons when credible intelligence indicating a potential attack is received. These plans will be used to mitigate the threat or incident until state and/or federal plans can be implemented.




An actual terrorist attack or credible threat of a terrorist attack involving CBRNE weapons would be considered an incident of national significance and would trigger a robust federal and state response. Local EOC and incident command operations would grow significantly under the National Incident Management System (NIMS) as described in the National Response Framework. Local Emergency Management Coordinators have access to copies of and have a working knowledge of these plans.


Concept of operations


The Commonwealth of Virginia has adopted the National Terrorism Advisory System (NTAS). After reviewing the available information, the Secretary of Homeland Security will decide, in coordination with other Federal entities, whether an NTAS Alert should be issued.


NTAS Alerts will only be issued when credible information is available.

These alerts will include a clear statement that there is an imminent threat or elevated threat. Using available information, the alerts will provide a concise summary of the potential threat, information about actions being taken to ensure public safety, and recommended steps that individuals, communities, businesses and governments can take to help prevent, mitigate or respond to the threat.

The NTAS Alerts will be based on the nature of the threat: in some cases, alerts will be sent directly to law enforcement or affected areas of the private sector, while in others, alerts will be issued more broadly to the American people through both official and media channels.

NTAS Alerts contain a sunset provision indicating a specific date when the alert expires - there will not be a constant NTAS Alert or blanket warning that there is an overarching threat. If threat information changes for an alert, the Secretary of Homeland Security may announce an updated NTAS Alert. All changes, including the announcement that cancels an NTAS Alert, will be distributed the same way as the original alert.


The response to an actual terrorist attack using CBRNE weapons in the locality will be handled in a similar fashion as is outlined in other sections of this plan except that the incident must additionally be handled as a criminal investigative matter. Care must be taken to treat the location of such an incident as a crime scene and potential evidence must be secured and preserved. Law Enforcement will take the lead in insuring investigative concerns are properly addressed in any response.


Critical/Special Facilities


A list of critical/special facilities have been identified by emergency management, law enforcement and local government officials as either critical to emergency response or likely terrorist targets that required special consideration during times of increased threat or actual terrorist attack. The Coordinator of Emergency Management keeps this list.


Terrorist Threat Condition Changes


As the State changes terrorist threat conditions, local emergency management, law enforcement, and key leaders will meet to consider implementation of the recommended actions outlined in the National Terrorism Advisory System.


Terrorist Attack


1. Consider and implement appropriate actions outlined in the National Terrorism Advisory System.


2. Any terrorist attack must be handled as a criminal investigative matter. Care must be taken to treat the location of such an incident as a crime scene and potential evidence must be secured and preserved.


Relevant References


1. 2020 Emergency Response Guidebook


2. Jane’s Chem-Bio Handbook, Third Edition


3. FEMA Emergency Response to Terrorism, Job Aid


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