Instructional Ordering Procedures

Instructional Ordering Procedures

Purchase Requisitions and Ordering Procedures

All classroom and instructional materials as well as major equipment needs must be submitted through the normal budget process. Undergraduate and graduate faculty requests are submitted to the department chair/program director who is responsible to represent the department/program needs to their respective dean. Seminary faculty should process their requests through the office of the seminary dean. Budget reports are regularly sent to the department chair/program director, who is responsible to manage expenses within budget allocations.

Special forms are available from the business office for ordering supplies and purchasing instructional materials or equipment. Refer to the Information Systems: Technology Resource Allocation Policy computer related purchases. The respective department chair/program director or dean must approve requests before being forwarded to the business office. Under no circumstances shall purchases be charged to the university without a properly executed purchase order. Should unauthorized charges come to the business office, the institution may disclaim liability for such purchases.

Textbook Orders

Textbook orders for each class shall be placed online at emu.textbookx.com. Desk or examination copies of textbooks may be requested directly from the publisher on institutional letterhead. The instructor is expected to bear the cost should there be any charges for examination copies. Departments, at their discretion, may elect to cover examination or desk copy charges. Training materials on placing your order are available in the Facstaff Workspace Google Drive.

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