Faculty Absence from Campus

Faculty Absence from Campus

Faculty absences from classes should be kept to a minimum. If a instructor is unable to meet a class because of illness or other emergency, that should be reported to the department chair as soon as possible. The department office will notify the students of whatever arrangements are being made. Faculty who need to miss one or more classes because of a short illness normally continue to carry responsibility for covering their courses, designing special assignments for students or asking for assistance from the department chair/program director or their respective dean in making alternate arrangements. Students are asked to notify the department office in the event that a instructor does not come to class. The class is to remain in the classroom until officially dismissed.

Faculty absences for professional purposes should normally not require more than two or three class sessions during one semester. In such cases, the faculty member should inform the department chair/program director of the planned absence and the plans in place for covering classes during the absence. Longer planned absences during the semester need to be cleared with the faculty member’s dean. Faculty should submit the Request for Special Campus Leave form.

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